A Lot Like Love
A Lot Like Love (2005)

A Lot Like Love

(67 votos)




At the Japanese restaurant, the amount of water in their glasses changes very drastically several times between shots.

When Kutcher and Peet's character were spitting water on each other at dinner, the wet spots suddenly vanish as the cameras pan off and back onto them.

When Oliver has just lost his job and is seen leaving a store with a gray sweater on, a black female extra talking on a cell phone walks past him.

Five seconds later the same extra still talking on the phone walks past him again in the same direction.

When Emily takes Oliver's camera in New York, the camera strap is around Oliver's neck and in the next shot it is off.

When Oliver and Emily are in the bar in New York, Oliver pays with what appears to be two bills that are of the "new style" (larger head shots of the presidents, etc.

) although the scene is supposed to take place before this new monetary style was introduced.

In the Chinese restaurant scene, the girl gets her food and it appears to be a full plate.

The camera cuts away and then back to her and seconds later the food is nearly gone.

At the airport, an SLR camera appears around Oliver's neck between shots.

During the New Year's Eve party, the location of the large tattoo on the back of Emily's left shoulder changes position by at least a few inches from shot to shot while she's sitting facing the bar and later when she's dancing with Oliver.

In the beginning of the movie, when Emily visits the churchyard, the trees indicate that it is summer.

In the next scene, when she and Oliver walk in New York, it is autumn/winter.

In the restaurant, when the waitress is putting the food onto the table, there is much greenery on Oliver's dish.

But in the shot from behind Oliver's shoulder there is almost no green.

After leaving the airport, Emily and Oliver are on the train platform.

As they're talking, Emily lights a cigarette, takes a few puffs and then drops it and stamps it out.

In the next scene she takes another drag on a cigarette without lighting up another, and drops this one and stamps it out.

The stains of splashed drink on Oliver's shirt when he is in lavatory are not the same as just after splashing when he is in his seat.

When Oliver and Emily start fooling around on the hood of the car while they are parked in the desert, Emily is wearing sneakers.

When they fall off the car, she is barefoot.

In the scene where Oliver and Emily are sitting at the bar, Oliver asks the bartender to make their second round a double.

The bartender remarks that the shots they are drinking are doubles even though they are clearly drinking out of standard 1.

5 ounce shot glasses.

The nude photograph in the desert.

Emily sets the shutter at 40 seconds (the time they need to remain absolutely still) but with such a long exposure the moon and stars would move enough to get all blurred as well (a lot less then one second is required).

When we later see the photo the moon is sharp.

After Oliver and Emily walk out of the restaurant after Emily is upset, they drive off.

The shot shows a Toyota Corolla in front that is not giving way and Emily is frustrated by the driver.

Oliver asks her to take it easy before Emily overtakes the car.

The overtaken car is now a Ford.

When Oliver calls home using a borrowed cell phone, he tells a joke to her sister about a famous hip hop singer is at the same party, she guesses that singer is Eminem, but when Oliver hang up and give back the cell phone to a man, this man says "Eminem is here?" even though he never heard the name, because Oliver never says it.

Box Office

4 July 2005 USA USD 21,835,784
26 June 2005 USA USD 21,729,380
19 June 2005 USA USD 21,622,866
12 June 2005 USA USD 21,555,391
5 June 2005 USA USD 21,526,329
22 May 2005 USA USD 21,317,478
15 May 2005 USA USD 20,824,529
8 May 2005 USA USD 18,912,009
1 May 2005 USA USD 14,561,119
24 April 2005 USA USD 7,576,593
17 July 2005 UK GBP 1,423,831
10 July 2005 UK GBP 1,280,361
3 July 2005 UK GBP 948,134
26 June 2005 UK GBP 417,904
5 June 2005 Netherlands EUR 200,757
24 April 2005 USA USD 7,576,593 2,502
26 June 2005 UK GBP 417,904 323
3 June 2005 Australia USD 468,680 139
24 June 2005 Austria USD 63,244
22 July 2005 Brazil USD 426,857 65
24 June 2005 Europe USD 1,091,791 709
1 July 2005 Finland USD 11,711
24 June 2005 Germany USD 305,702
24 June 2005 Iceland USD 1,947
24 June 2005 Netherlands USD 45,385
5 June 2005 Netherlands EUR 172,035 45
22 July 2005 South Africa USD 201,085 65
24 June 2005 Switzerland USD 46,599
4 July 2005 USA USD 40,369 29
26 June 2005 USA USD 51,164 71
19 June 2005 USA USD 59,874 176
12 June 2005 USA USD 9,886 36
5 June 2005 USA USD 25,341 75
22 May 2005 USA USD 203,632 372
15 May 2005 USA USD 1,053,981 1,522
8 May 2005 USA USD 3,156,096 2,153
1 May 2005 USA USD 5,084,727 2,502
24 April 2005 USA USD 7,576,593 2,502
17 July 2005 UK GBP 24,215 117
10 July 2005 UK GBP 123,797 269
3 July 2005 UK GBP 254,883 317
26 June 2005 UK GBP 417,904 323
5 June 2005 Netherlands EUR 172,035 45


A lot like love is a little romantic comedy that gets to you. Its not an amazing film, nor a flawless one but it has heart, lots of it in fact.

This is year 2011 and while I am writing this review, almost 6 years have passed since this movie was released. A movie that epitomizes true feelings is timeless.

A well-done Romantic-Comedy is rare & I cherish it when I see a really good one. And 'A Lot Like Love' is exactly the kinda ROM-COM I cherish & entirely fall for.

I've never watched a rom-com that could truly describe randomly meeting someone and going in/out of their lives as "A Lot Like Love" does. I played this with no expectations and was pleasantly surprised.

Not bad. I would say it deserves higher.

What made me watch the movie - it was recommended to me by a departing friendWhat I liked about the movie - the warmth that the story can convey, I especially liked the scene under the starsWho will I recommend the movie to - someone who would want their day to be madeWhat did the movie teach me - it all happens for a reason maybe.#OMAAT One Movie At A TimeHere, the word 'movie' refers to both movies and series.

If you aren't a member of the "latch-key" or "MTV" generation, than this movie is probably lost on you. It does a good job of encapsulating how we were raised in a time when finding your own way was foisted upon us, but then we are expected to have the same result as previous generations.

Why isn't Amanda Peet a household name? A mega-star?

I didn't even realize this has mediocre reviews. It's one one my favorite romcoms.
