Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994)

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

(27 votos)




Position of the stuffed dog relative to the door - it is impossible for Ace to have placed the fake dog in the position it is shown due to the direction the door opens in.

At the end of the scene where Snowflake is kidnapped, the get-a-way van squeals/spins its tires with a sound as if the van was on concrete.

There is only grass on the stadium field.

Aguado's arm positions while at the murder scene.

The football players carrying 'Dan Marino (I)' (qv) off the commercial shoot swap positions.

Einhorn and Ace switch positions near the end of the murder scene.

In the end scene at the football match when Melissa and Ace start kissing their backs are to the audience in the football stands and Melissa is on Ace's right side.

In the next shot she is to the left of him and they are now facing the audience in the stands and then in the next shot she is back on the right side.

But there was definitely not enough time to change to these positions.

When the dog lays down on the picture of Ray Finkle, making it look like Ray had long hair, the "hair" was down past his shoulder.

In the close-up, it is by his chin.

The condition of the box that Ace rips after he steps on the bubble wrap, and the subsequent position of the bubble wrap.

Before Snowflake's kidnapper puts his hand in the pool, the 1984 AFC Championship Ring is on the middle finger; afterward it's on the ring finger.

When Mr.

Shickadance inspects Ace's apartment for animals, the doggy door on the fridge is a solid sheet of plastic, but when Ace calls his animals out afterward, the penguins exit through the doggy door which is clearly segmented.

The stain on Rodger Podactor's shirt changes from when he initially meets Ace to when he walks over to the dolphin tank.

Ace's hand gets dirty when he is looking through the tank's filter and turns spotless when it shows the diamond in his hand.

When Ace enters the outside door near the pool at Ronald Camp's home, the outside and inside shots are very mismatched.

A large plant can clearly been seen in the hallway opposite the doorway from outside is missing on the inside shot, and on the inside shot when Ace slams the door there was obviously no actual door there; Ace was just miming a slamming gesture.

The members of 'Cannibal Corpse' (qv) are listed under "Thrasher Band 'Cannibal Corpses'" in the end credits.

In the movie, the Miami City Police officers are wearing Miami-Dade Police Patches.

The real-life Miami City Police patches are circular and feature a palm tree in the center.

When we first see Finkle's room, it's an inside shot and it's completely dark.

But when we see the rest of the room, there is a "shrine" to Marino, with candles already lit.

When Ace is fighting with Einhorn/Finkle at the end of the film, she is wearing pantyhose.

A short time later, when Ace removes her skirt, the pantyhose is gone.

Ray Finkle is said to have played football for Stetson University and graduated in 1980.

In fact, Stetson University has not fielded a football team since 1960.

While in Melissa's backyard, Ace at one point spits out a lemon wedge from a glass of iced tea; when he gets up from his chair, the lemon is back on the glass.

After Ace rescues the lost Shih Tzu, his car windows are smashed.

In the scene after as he takes the dog/cat food to his apartment, the windows are no longer smashed.

When he arrives at the Miami Dolphin's stadium, his windows are messed up again.

At the end during the "Super Bowl" once Ace brings 'Dan Marino (I)' (qv) to the game.

After kissing Melissa, Ace looks over at the water coolers to see the pigeon up for the big reward.

In the background of that shot you see a couple ushers including a bearded one.

The next shot is back on Ace and Melissa and now the bearded usher is standing behind them.

When Ace enters the storage room of the asylum and searches through Ray Finkle's box of belongings he picks up 2 knitted doilies that say "Die Dan" on them with the diamond shaped one being in his left hand and the octagonal one being in his right.

In the very next shot they are reversed.

When Mr.

Shickadance confronts Ace about the rent, Ace hands him a sheet of paper.

During the closeup shot of the paper, Ace's shirt has changed.

In the film that runs in Ray's room showing the missed field goal, the ball sails wide right (looking from behind the goal posts).

When the camera cuts to the shot of the referee in the end zone, he gestures with his hands that the ball went wide left.

When Ace is about to kick the package down the hall to the man's doorstep at the beginning of the movie, he throws the package up with his feet and lands flat, but on the scene he kicks it, it's in a vertical position.

When Ace is breaking into the Private Room in the Asylum, he picks the lock with the 'Private' door tag.

Once he is inside and the cleaner opens the door it appears to be unlocked.

The file photo of Ray Finkle has an NFL patch on the collar.

That was added to uniforms many years after 1984 when it was supposed to have been taken.

When the penguins come out of the freezer, the clear flap has been cut into strips, but when it is shown again, it is solid.

When Ace breaks into the storage room using the Private sign the type of jamb indicates it is an out-swing door yet the door swings in.

You can see the jamb is in the way and the lock cannot be picked in the manner he did that in the shots before and after the close up of him breaking in.

As Ace Ventura drives down the freeway to take 'Dan Marino (I)' (qv) to the Super Bowl the football stadium is in the background, but there are no cars in the stadium parking lot.

When Woodstock says he is sending new coordinates to the Norwegian whaling fleet, the blips on the radar screen move even when the beam is not sweeping over them.

Team pictures from the "1984" season in the movie were taken at 'Joe Robbie' (qv) Stadium, which wasn't built yet.

The Dolphins were still located at The Orange Bowl in 1984.

There are several spelling errors in the newspaper articles Ventura and Melissa view on microfilm, including "origionally", "Finkle'" with an apostrophe instead of a comma, "stiil", "itys" (its), "disasterous", and "Champioship".

The articles also use the same filler material (usually when it's near the edge of the screen)a football-related paragraph once the relevant information is done, and occasionally completely unrelated copy that seems to have come from another article.

At the end after Ace has ripped off Einhorn's skirt, 'Dan Marino (I)' (qv) is the one who points out what's obviously in the back of her underwear.

However, the numerous police officers who are also directly behind Einhorn act as though they see nothing.

When Ace is in the mental hospital as "Larry", he suddenly stops to do his half-time dance and then slams his head and face into the bench in the hallway.

When he does this, the doctor starts laughing in an unprofessional manner.

When looking for the fish to feed Snowflake, the thug says "Where the hell's the smelt?" In the next scene where the second thug follows the trail of fish to the now-unconscious first thug, the fish are larger than smelt, most likely tilapias.

After Ace points out the blood stain on the balcony or Roger's, Lt.

Einhorn touches it with her bare hand, something no cop would ever do.

However, it is possible that she did this deliberately to contaminate the crime scene and make the blood evidence inadmissible.

In Einhorn's office, when Ace is shown from the back saying "We're talking paranoid delusional psychosis," you can see that the line was dubbed over, as it doesn't match the movement of his mouth, and he to move his mouth after the line has been spoken.

When Ace and Melissa are at Ron Camp's party, Ron is talking to 2 women.

One has long earrings and the other has short earrings.

When Ron notices Ace and Melissa he approaches them and starts talking.

In the background you can see that the girl over his should switches back and forth between the girl with the long earring and the short earrings between shots.

Before Sgt.

Aguado steps on a roach at the police station to insult Ace you can see there are markings on the floor, which is also tile.

Yet when Ace throws Aguado to the ground with his face over the roach you see no markings or tiles.

It seems to be cement.

At the beginning of the movie, when Ace enters the elevator at the apartment complex the color of the elevator inside and the doors are light brown.

When Ace gets off at the next level the inside of the elevator is green as well as the doors and does not seem to be a double door elevator.

When Ace gets off the elevator, at the beginning of the movie, you can see that Ace clamps both feet on the side of the package causing a gap on the top of the box.

In the next shot when Ace still has his feet clamped on the sides of the package, there is no gap on the top.

When Ace gets off the elevator, at the beginning of the movie, you see Ace kick the package to the door of the delivery.

There is nothing but wall to the left of the door.

However, when the man answers the door to the left of the door there is a tiny piece of a wall and a door right next to it.

When Ace is at his apartment walking back and forth with the monkey saying "Alright the answer is right there.

" You see the monkey above the fireplace standing on a red book.

Directly behind the book is a picture.

In the next shot when the monkey starts jumping up and down on the book the picture is gone and the corner of the wall to the right of the book is closer than the previous shot.

Towards the end of the movie when the thug notices the other thug knocked out laying on the ground, you can see a small water spot on his right arm.

But as the thug is picking up the unconscious one in the next shot you can see the water spot is substantially bigger on his arm.

After Snowflake is captured, Melissa asks "Why did it have to happen now, two weeks before the Superbowl?" In a following scene with Ace, Melissa tells him that it's Superbowl week, and the dolphin was stolen "last night".

When Dan Marino is tied up the position of the ropes holding him changes positions between shots.

After Ace rescues Dan from the warehouse in Hallandale, they are shown briefly driving on the Florida Turnpike.

Hallandale is located north of the stadium, and therefore they would have had to travel south.

In the film, they are traveling north on the highway.

During the scene where Jim Carrey plays the football scene in "instant replay" in the waiting room of "Shady Acres Mental Hospital" you can actually see Courtney Cox laughing.

The film mentions the 1985 Super Bowl as _Super Bowl XVII (1983) (TV)_ (qv).

" It was in fact _Super Bowl XIX (1985) (TV)_ (qv).

Super Bowl XVII was held on 30 January 1983.

While the Miami Dolphins lost both games, and the 1985 winner was correctly identified as the San Francisco 49ers, and Dan Marino played in the 1985 game, neither game's score was close enough for a missed field goal to matter.

When Einhorn leaves the police station and goes to the marina at the end of the movie, the license plate on her car changes.

Box Office

USA USD 72,217,000
16 May 1994 UK GBP 2,543,434
worldwide USD 107,217,396
Non-USA USD 35,000,000
Sweden SEK 6,978,485
6 February 1994 USA USD 12,115,105 1 screen


This was the very movie that put Jim Carrey on the map and heading quickly into a big box office star. I was never a massive fan of his zany personality but realize his humour, plus all of his facial contortions are pretty much unique.

Jim Carrey is a wonder actor. His performance in the box-office blockbuster 'Ace Ventura: Pet Detective' is worth immense praise.

Saw this with my kid yesterday, even though you can see on the film quality that it is from 1994, the humor and story still holds up and gives everyone a lot of laughs, Jim Carrey is still my number one comedy hero of all times :)There is just something about the humor of the time, it is still fun, the faces, the moves, the weird voices, the characters, well everything is just working for comedies of these times and keeps on working. Maybe I enjoyed it a bit more because I have seen it countless times already, but it looked like my son was very happy about this comedy classic :)I have plans of showing him all the great Jim Carrey films, but this and the Mask was the ones that got me hooked on him and I have been ever since.

NO SPOILERS IN THIS PART Obviously this film is for a lot of people, and I am simply not one of them. Everyone agrees it's stupid, but whether it's stupid hilarious or stupid annoying is going to depend entirely on you.

Ah yes, remind me of those movies I loved as a kid in the 90s that didn't age so well.Just kidding, I personally think this is one of Jim Carrey's funnier works.

Funny watch, would watch again, and can recommend.Man, I don't remember enjoying this movie as much as I do now as when I watched in the late 1990s.

Pet Detective Ace Ventura (Jim Carrey) is the man you call when crimes happen to animals. When Miami Dolphins' mascot dolphin Snowflake is stolen from its watertank, team official Melissa Robinson (Courteney Cox) must ask Ace Ventura to investigate.

In the early '90's this was comedy at its best. The movie is one of Jim's earliest jobs, but one of his most successful.
