Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995)

Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls

(20 votos)




The jeep that Ace drives into the jungle loses many body parts, but they are soon back on the car.

The dart in Ace's shirt.

While Ace inspects the poacher's hut, he is sedated by a dart.

In the following scene when he's tied to the raft, his shirt has clearly changed.

The two-piece band is out of synch with the soundtrack.

When the truck lands in the parking space, Furton Greenwall is wearing a long sleeve shirt.

When he gets out of the truck, he is wearing a short sleeve shirt.

When Ace is in the bat cave, the shadow of the camera is visible.

When Ace is being buried in sand by a tribe member during their fight, his watch disappears when he shakes off the sand but is back on his wrist in the next shot.

One of the poachers claims to hear the cry of a female silverback gorilla.

Only male gorillas can be silverbacks.

The chess pieces on the chess board that Vincent is playing on disappear 1/2 way through Ace's rant in his trophy room.

When Ace is hit by two arrows, one of them hits ground before he falls back.

However, in the next shot both arrows are straightened up again.

When Ace is hit by the arrows in the woods, four are shown sticking into his back.

After Ace hits the ground, five are sticking out of his back.

In the scene when Ace in confronting the Consulate; the Consulate is playing a game of chess, pieces disappear during their conversation.

After Ace is hit by darts and wakes up in the native's hut, his white shirt is torn.

A few shots later his shirt is intact again.

The Wachootoo witch doctor has obvious false teeth covering his real teeth throughout the movie.

When Ace is trying to escape from the robotic rhinocerous, his hair is visible outside the opening in the long shots when it hasn't burst free yet in the close-ups.

When Spike tasers Quinn, the electricity appears to "jump" from the taser to Quinn.

The type of taser Spike was holding must come in contact with a person to have any effect on them.

The Elephant featured is this film is an Indian when the film is supposed to take place in Africa.

When Ace is in the Production Room and makes that super hero mask on the general's head, you can clearly see in the shot the shadow of Aces fingers on the wall behind the general but not on the general's head.

When Ouda attempts to translate what Ace says to the barbaric tribe, he translates three different lines in the tribe's language, but he says the same line twice for the first two sentences.

The number of times the rope is wrapped around Quinn in the behind shot (When Ace is interrogating) him doesn't correspond with the number of times it is wrapped around him in the front.

During the scenes where Ace is under attack by the poachers in the woods, part of his shirt falls off of his shoulder.

In the next couple of shots, the side of his shirt that is off is back on his shoulder.

When Ace and Greenwald are first walking through the jungle a large snake can be seen.

The snake is a Burmese Python and is native to Asia, not Africa.

When the body of the monster truck ace drives lifts up, the dashboard is just a piece of plywood with the steering wheel sticking through it.

While driving through the jungle Ace hits a branch that breaks the car's windshield.

In subsequent shots the windshield is clearly not broken.

When they finally emerge from the jungle the windshield is cracked again, but in a pattern different from the first shot of its being broken.

When the 'stuffed' elephant head falls off the wall, its trunk breaks revealing it to be hollow and thus fake.

While trying to escape from the Rhino hatch, Ace turns the door wheel right, rather than left, trying to open it.

After Ace removes the apple from the victim's mouth, there is a shot where the victim and the medicine doctor are in the background.

In the previous scene, the medicine doctor took out the victim's heart, creating a hole.

However, in the shot with the victim and medicine doctor in the background, there is no hole in the victim's abdomen.

When Ace lets the slinky go down the steps there is no way it could make it all the way as there are several widely spaced landings every so many steps that the slinky could not overcome.

When the warrior rips the spears out of Ace's legs, you can see the Wachootoo Chief and the Witch doctor in the back round, but in the next shot, they are behind Ace, ready to pick him up off the ground.

When Ace is walking through a forest, there is a closeup shot of him saying "I can feel it like it's right.

In my neck!" during that shot, you can see that the back round has clearly changed.

(This is more noticeable on the 4:3 open matte version) When Ace breaks off the wheel handle attempting to escape from the Rino, you can see that it breaks off the base cleanly.

When the camera angle changes, right before he throws down the handle, you can see that the base is still attached to the handle and there is an empty spot on the Rino wall where the base used to be.

When the animals break down the wall of Vincent Cadby's office, the 'trophy' elephant head hung on the wall falls to the floor and shatters.

If the head were real it wouldn't break the way it does.

In the Chief's Hut, prior to Ace being spit on by the chief and his son, A Scarlet Macaw is clearly visible next to the chief.

Scarlet Macaws are native to South America, not Africa In their first trip in the jungle a peacock can be heard.

Peacocks are native to India and Sri Lanka, not Africa.

When Ace knocks out the "Monopoly Guy," and struts around with him on his shoulder, the rich woman he was with disappears from the stairway and reappears between shots.

Ace mentions that ravens are rare in Africa.

In fact, they are not found at all south of the Sahara.

When Ace is removing the apple from the victims throat, the victim's head is clearly false, made out of some plastic material.

The head monk tells Greenwall that they do not use names at the monastery.

But when Ace appears as a vision to the monk, he addresses him as "Ace".

There is no saliva on Ace's face after after the chief and Ouda spit on him.

In the opening shot of the Wachootoo scene, the skull on a stick has a visible seam near the top, revealing that it is made of plastic.

When the jungle animals crash through the consulate wall, the mounted elephant head falls to the ground; the elephant's trunk breaks, revealing it to be a plastic fake.

When Ace is drumming on the tree fungi one is knocked off and the metal rod that was used to attach it to the tree is visible.

Box Office

USA USD 108,385,533
19 February 1996 UK GBP 10,020,831
21 January 1996 UK GBP 8,659,234
worldwide USD 212,385,533
Non-USA USD 104,000,000
12 November 1995 USA USD 37,804,076 2


In the second installment of Ace, overtaken by Steve Oedekerk, Ventura travels to Africa with the duty of finding a sacred bat that belongs to an African tribe and is a very sacred symbol. As seen in the first one, Jim Carrey dominates the rest of the cast with his witty and outrageous performance as the crazed pet detective.

I always thought that it was quite strange Jim Carrey only did 2 Ace Ventura movies, rather than making a trilogy out of it. Not that I've re-watched "Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls" again I can see why they stopped with the series after this one.

The movie starts with Ace Ventura failing to rescue a raccoon in a parody of 'Cliffhanger'. He abandons everything to live in a remote Himalyan hideaway.

The original Ace Ventura was a great comedy movie. The reason why this is worse is - Ace Ventura discriminates animals (bat), the terrible ending, lack of jokes and having a weaker plot than it's predesessor.

This is a money-grab sequel to an amazing original in Ace Ventura: per detective, but it lets jim Carrey run wild and drop one liners so I'm cool with it. The plot lacks and the supporting cast around Carrey is not very good.

With the departure of Tom ShadyacAce Ventura this time comes under the care of Steve Oedekerk. Maintains the level of animal fun of the first, more with much less characters.

Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls isn't a fantastic movie, but it's not trying to be. There are notorious stories of tension on the set, dissatisfaction from Jim with the handling of the plot details, and a general sense of animosity.

Jim Carrey is not as funny on this one, its a bit stilted or a bit stale in parts, but it has its moments, such as when he climbs out of the arse of a rhino, Naked!The supporting cast is not as good, Ian McNeice and Simon Callow are the only known actors, and they are not that good, it's almost all Jim Carrey, the direction is average and the scenes not quite connecting.
