Aces High
Aces High (1976)

Aces High

(23 votos)




Sinclair informs Croft that Gresham uses a Nieuport "that he swears by", but every time we see Gresham aloft he is flying an SE5 like the rest of the squadron.

Croft and Sinclair fly an Avro 504 on a reconnaissance mission.

They are attacked by a German fighter.

When we see the Avro from the German pilots point of view, it has transformed into a Caudron Luciole, because those scenes are outtakes from "The Blue Max".


So it is said of WW1 and so true. I could write a book outlining the mistakes made in that conflict, in this case no parachutes because the pilots might jump out for no good reason, seriously, how many pilots could have been saved?

ACES HIGH is an interesting little British war film looking at the plight and antics of World War 1 fighter pilots. It's less gung-ho than expected, with little in the way of Biggles-style jingoism; instead this is an anti-war effort in which courage and sacrifice count for little when it comes to slaughter and bloodshed.

Aces High is not quite as impressive or as action packed as The Blue Max, but it is still very much worth watching if you want a good film about WWI fighter pilots or a grim and realistic portrayal of war. Malcolm McDowell is very good as always and still looking young here as the Major in charge of a squadron of ever diminishing pilots who keep getting replaced by younger and less experienced pilots.

The only one who is likely to be an 'Ace', is Gresham (Malcolm McDowall), all the others seem to be a bunch of misfits, so the title is a bit of a misdemeanor, maybe they just called it that to garner attention, as it is not about the flying aces of WW1, it is more about the realities of war, and on that it scores very high.Despite a few historical inaccuracies it is very realistic, good photography and scenes, the planes look good, the costumes excellent.

The movie is overall quite alright, though if you've seen The Blue Max, the reused aerial combat footage is way too obvious.

I may not have paid the biggest attention to this film while it was on, but from what I did watch properly it was a good old fashioned film from director Jack Gold (Goodnight Mister Tom). Basically, it is World War I and the film focuses on the Royal Flying Corps.

Firstly, the movie is never boring. Every scene something interesting happening, either there be aerial combat or interesting drama.

An inexperienced young Brit straight from the academy (Peter Firth) arrives on the Western front in northern France to assist in the air war against the Germans during WW1. One week in the lives of the pilots of a Royal Flying Corps squadron is chronicled as they struggle with the stresses & risks intrinsic to their profession.

I saw this film when it was released. Malcolm McDowell is superb as "Gresham" as well as Christopher Plummer as "Sinclair".
