Alita: Battle Angel
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)

Alita: Battle Angel

(22 votos)



This is 1 of my favorite movies. It's a visual treat and the action sequences are outstanding/excellent!

When I saw the first trailer for this movie, I thought, "No one but me is going to go see this movie." But you know, it's the most successful movie Robert Rodriguez ever released.

The visuals were amazing , but the story wasn't that convincing or hooking .

This movie was amazing! From start to finish I was into the movie!

So we have another "super person" who is supposed to be just too awesome for words but she is constantly getting beat up and near defeat only to miraculously prevail. It is tiresome.

Very good section. Thank you for working.

It started good but then slowly it became another Eliysium, Hunger Games, Snowpercer. No thank you.

I wouldn't say I felt the same hype as most people. The film maybe isn't perfect, but it is strong-willed and clever enough to be a legit film.

This has got to be one of if not the most visually impressive films I've ever seen. Based on the Manga of the same name, Alita concerns itself with a young cyborg girl found in a junkyard who is given a second chance at life.
