Begotten (1990)


(99 votos)




Ok, first thing the style is pretty interesting. Trying to make the visuals as minimalistic as possible makes the movie unique in presentation.

If you have a weak stomach and/or don't think very deeply about things usually, you may be scarred by this film. Personally, I found playing Silent Hill 2 to be much more scarring visually, aurally, emotionally, and intellectually.

I will be far more gracious with this film than certain atheist are to Christian media(I am critical of most Christian media as well by the way, see my review of "Home Sweet Home"). Yes, I'm a Christian, and I suppose I take it as a challenge when an atheist says "This will rip apart Christian's belief!!!

Of the three of us, I like to think that I probably the most experimental with my film choices. I tend to gravitate toward the independent films and the films that are a little bit off the beaten path.

A mute, story-less mix of ambient soundscapes and blurred violent imagery, set within an harsh and unrelenting reality.

No dialogue, horrific images, surreal atmosphere, experimental cinematography and a concept abstract and haunting. This film is not for everyone.

After some deliberation I have decided that this film is not actually worth watching. Begotten is an early film by E.

But there is something to this film. It is basically a melding of several different creation myths.
