Big Fish
Big Fish (2003)

Big Fish

(41 votos)




Edward Bloom's "story" is set in a nostalgic, idealized "yesteryear" and not any historic time period, so factual inaccuracies are irrelevant.

When the senior Ed Bloom and his wife are both in the bathtub together, there are separate shots of each of them at their respective ends of the tub.

The water levels are noticeably different.

When Edward and Norther Winslow escape from the bank, Edward turns to look at the clerk in apology and leaves, jumping over a customer lying on the floor.

You can see his mark - a black dot - on the floor where he was standing.

When Ed Bloom is left to die and become the fish in the river at the end of the movie, you can see the cables under the water beneath the son's right hand.

Before Will leaves Jenny's house, Jenny signs a quitclaim deed and hands it to Will.

On it we see a notary seal.

A notary would not have placed a seal until after it was signed in the notary's presence.

The document also states that the property is being conveyed for zero dollars of consideration.

Real estate interests cannot pass without "consideration" and a one dollar amount is usually included to meet this requirement.

The document would be regarded as void without any money being exchanged.

When Edward is picked up by the scary tree in the woods, the key to the city falls to the ground.

In a close-up, the key is still around his neck.

Returning to the long shot, the key is again on the ground.

When Ed is dying in the hospital, his son watches him in anguish and there is only one light reflected in each of Will's and Ed's eyes.

When Ed's eyes become fixed, the light in his eyes brightens, and a second light can be seen reflecting in the corner of his eyes.

When the camera pans back to Will, two spots of light are now reflected in his eyes showing the addition of a second light off camera.

When Sandra joins Edward in the bathtub, they are sitting at opposite ends of the tub.

When Edward holds his hand out to Sandra, she puts both of her hands into the water to move toward him.

But in the next shot, both of her hands are on the rim of the tub as she moves toward him.

When Edward surprises the enemy soldiers and the enemies are preparing for the fight and are finished showing off their fancy moves, they are standing back to back (from Edward's point of view).

In the view from behind the enemies and looking at Edward, they are about 2 feet apart, then they are back to back again in the next shot.

When Will takes the Deed and puts it between the Handi-matic's fingers, it can be read "Deed of Trust".

When Eddie takes the deed Jenny has just signed, we read "Quitclaim Deed".

When old Edward is drinking the healthy can of something, he opens it, then in the next shot it hasn't been opened, then in the next shot it is open and he drinks from it.

When Ed Bloom (Young) comes to buy Jenny's house, he enters to see her playing piano, but the movement of her hands does not match the notes we hear.

When Edward is in Spectre having lunch together with Norther Winslow and the mayor, Norther is holding his cup with both hands.

When the camera goes down under the table to shoot Jenny while she steals Edward's shoes, Norther has his own hand close to his knee.

In the very next shot Norther Winslow is holding his cup with both hands again.

After Jenny has thrown Edwards's shoes up on the wire Norther, Mildred and the mayor invite Edward to follow them by putting their hands on his shoulders.

Mildred's hand is on Edward's back in the first shot, on his shoulder in the second one and again on his back in the following.

When the mayor is giving Young Edward Bloom the key to the city, watch the girl in the band with the clarinet.

From the camera angle when the mayor finishes his speech, she has her clarinet in her mouth.

The angle changes yet we can still see her, clarinet out of her mouth, then the angle changes back and the clarinet is back in her mouth.

When Edward first sees Sandra, and time stops, there is a woman swinging hula hoops.

At first, she holds the hula hoop with her hand at the top, but when Edward goes through the hula hoop to get to Sandra, she is holding it from the side.

Where the crowd gathers at the end of Edward's funeral, either Ping or Jing is seen talking in a small crowd, clearly separated from the other.

As the camera pans to another crowd gathered in the foreground, the other Siamese twin is seen simultaneously.

The twins were conjoined in Edward's tall tale, but when seen in real life they are ordinary identical twins.

This scene was clearly meant to reveal this fact.

Also, we can also see that Carl the "Giant" was not really a giant.

As the camera shows an overview of the people crowded around the casket, we can clearly see that Carl is just a little taller then everyone else.

All characters in Ed's stories are just fantastical exaggerations of real people.

When Edward Bloom infiltrates the "North Korean" concert there are multiple languages being spoken (not just Korean).

These languages include Mandarin, Cantonese, and Tagalog.

In addition, the translation book Edward reads on the plane in simply entitled "English to Asian".

This is done deliberately in order to obfuscate a reference to any country/war in which Ed might have been.

Ed is old enough to be a veteran of WWII, but he is fighting the Chinese, who would have been allied with the US at the time.

This is simply to let the audience know that the war is not WWII nor any specific war but is symbolic of all wars.

When Sandra is hanging laundry, right before Edward returns from the war, she is hanging a sheet on a clothes line.

A satellite television dish is clearly apparent on the house past her and to the left, right above the laundry basket on the ground.

In the "frozen" circus, a woman blinks to Ed's right as he reaches the floor level.

Will and Josephine live in Paris as the movie begins.

As they enter their apartment, they carry paper grocery bags.

No such bags are used in France.

Since the 1970s, all French supermarkets and grocery stores have been handing out plastic bags.

Ed Bloom has scratches on his face after the run-in with the werewolf.

The next day the scratches are gone.

In the bank robbery scene, a small portion of the FDIC logo on a gold colored plate is seen.

That particular logo was not used during the era of the movie.

When Edward leaves Spectre, there are fresh tire tracks in the grass, probably from the crane being used to film the scene.

Calloway tells young Edward that Sandra is in her last semester at Auburn.

Auburn's system used quarters, not semesters.

When Ed dives into the river after the water snake, he was all wet when he emerges from it, with leeches on his legs.

However when he returns to Spectre with Jenny in the next scene, his shirt and pants are completely dry.

While playing football in Ashton, Edward Bloom is running with the ball when two players from the opposing team dive to try to tackle him, and dive off screen.

As the camera continues to reveal more of the field, the players are nowhere to be seen.

They should have still been on the ground where they had fallen.

Box Office

14 March 2004 USA USD 66,257,002
7 March 2004 USA USD 66,098,989
29 February 2004 USA USD 65,815,103
22 February 2004 USA USD 65,150,895
16 February 2004 USA USD 63,444,841
8 February 2004 USA USD 59,715,819
1 February 2004 USA USD 55,316,067
25 January 2004 USA USD 48,934,111
18 January 2004 USA USD 39,888,222
11 January 2004 USA USD 23,386,775
28 December 2003 USA USD 3,505,172
21 December 2003 USA USD 562,525
14 December 2003 USA USD 281,795
7 March 2004 UK GBP 5,918,505
29 February 2004 UK GBP 5,703,819
22 February 2004 UK GBP 5,263,917
15 February 2004 UK GBP 4,296,402
8 February 2004 UK GBP 3,342,548
1 February 2004 UK GBP 1,828,644
25 January 2004 UK GBP 126,899
Worldwide USD 122,919,055
Non-USA USD 56,109,362
20 June 2004 Italy EUR 3,302,641
25 April 2004 Italy EUR 3,148,167
11 April 2004 Italy EUR 2,984,395
4 April 2004 Italy EUR 2,879,813
28 March 2004 Italy EUR 2,714,919
21 March 2004 Italy EUR 2,442,080
14 March 2004 Italy EUR 2,034,298
7 March 2004 Italy EUR 1,367,245
29 February 2004 Italy EUR 554,483
11 April 2004 Netherlands EUR 400,270
28 March 2004 Spain EUR 1,682,240
21 March 2004 Spain EUR 1,393,810
14 March 2004 Spain EUR 957,650
7 March 2004 Spain EUR 483,638
14 December 2003 USA USD 207,377 6
25 January 2004 UK GBP 126,899 17
6 February 2004 Australia USD 908,982 226
19 March 2004 Belgium USD 144,676
20 February 2004 Brazil USD 344,243 106
30 January 2004 Europe USD 2,362,041 364
19 March 2004 Finland USD 68,279
5 March 2004 France USD 2,002,308
19 March 2004 Hong Kong USD 112,231 11
30 January 2004 Iceland USD 16,804
29 February 2004 Italy EUR 554,483 128
14 May 2004 Japan USD 592,635 38
29 February 2004 Netherlands EUR 92,714 39
12 March 2004 Norway USD 44,651
19 March 2004 South Africa USD 94,870 25
7 March 2004 Spain EUR 483,638 185
27 February 2004 Sweden USD 124,602
5 March 2004 Switzerland USD 115,317
14 March 2004 USA USD 109,447 134
7 March 2004 USA USD 150,886 207
29 February 2004 USA USD 354,677 371
22 February 2004 USA USD 1,187,814 947
16 February 2004 USA USD 2,932,721 1,224
8 February 2004 USA USD 3,151,302 1,617
1 February 2004 USA USD 4,533,655 2,280
25 January 2004 USA USD 7,110,138 2,438
18 January 2004 USA USD 12,336,971 2,514
11 January 2004 USA USD 13,811,191 2,406
28 December 2003 USA USD 2,053,733 124
21 December 2003 USA USD 164,641 6
14 December 2003 USA USD 207,377 6
7 March 2004 UK GBP 107,642 173
29 February 2004 UK GBP 233,121 272
22 February 2004 UK GBP 480,368 314
15 February 2004 UK GBP 598,525 320
8 February 2004 UK GBP 874,116 360
1 February 2004 UK GBP 1,644,011 361
25 January 2004 UK GBP 126,899 17
11 April 2004 Italy EUR 63,535 37
4 April 2004 Italy EUR 94,580 51
28 March 2004 Italy EUR 159,845 89
21 March 2004 Italy EUR 240,833 120
14 March 2004 Italy EUR 417,035 146
7 March 2004 Italy EUR 533,276 140
11 April 2004 Netherlands EUR 14,253 11
28 March 2004 Spain EUR 195,450 108
21 March 2004 Spain EUR 300,170 169
14 March 2004 Spain EUR 322,400 183
7 March 2004 Spain EUR 483,638 185


-- Maybe MILD, MILD SPOILERS -- for those who want to know what to expect from the movie but don't want to be spoiled of key aspects.If you knew exactly when you were going to die, would you live life differently?

This is a fantastic story. Ewan McGregor best performance in his career.

Burton creates one of his most Burton films in quite sometime. He brings that mixture of storytelling and folklore.

Big Fish should be filed under 'what could have been'. Having been a big Tim Burton fan in my formative years, having loved Batman and Beetle Juice in my early teens and then growing into Ed Wood later on, my interest was dwindling with Sleepy Hollow and turned into real concern with Planet of the Apes.

Nowadays there are very few movies like this. Nice plot, well made and intelligent scenes.

This movie changed the way I look at the world, people and situations around me. A masterpiece.

Ever know someone who exaggerates or just plain makes up everything they say? Sure you have, everyone has known someone like this, they're called B.

Will Bloom, a journalist, had been told the stories which his father, Ed Bloom, made up when he was a child. He is fed up with them and ashamed of him.

This is the story that a son and a father reconciled, but is a work having the big theme, reality and the fiction.The charm of this movie is scene constitution distributed neatly.
