Brittany Runs a Marathon
Brittany Runs a Marathon (2019)

Brittany Runs a Marathon

(16 votos)



I happened to just spun upon this movie. I really enjoyed it.

This movie hit close to home. Any runner watching this movie, surely felt every emotion she did throughout this entire movie.

This gem presents itself as realistic as possible in every single way. From the not-so-perfect leading actor, physically, mentally, emotionally and financially, to the supporting characters that shows depth and dynamics even with limited screentime.

Brittany is a terrible person. I wanted to be inspired by the protagonist yet I cant help but be consistently disappointed about her belief that she is constantly the victim.

Simple, honest film about feeling good about yourself by actually getting off your backside and doing something. For those that feel depressed in this modern world, where it easier to sit in and vegetate, eat fast food, surf social media, overindulge in alcohol and drugs, this film should serve as an inspiration to go outside and enjoy the simple things in life.

90 minute of self destruction and loathing, 14 minutes of redemption. Jillian Bell was very good but was handicapped with a lame script.

"Brittany Runs A Marathon" is a sweet, relatable and funny film with a towering lead performance from Jillian Bell. .

This is a movie where the trailer made it look great, but what you end up with is a movie where every single joke was used in the trailer. Brittany was a pretty terrible person about 90% of the movie and it made her pretty unlikeable and care less about her journey.

This movie touches on different topics about self esteem, self worth, anxiety, and being aware of our choices and the consequences (good and bad). Brittany may start off with the mentality of weight loss as the main goal (unfortunately she starts to become obessed with the number on the scale and it begins to hurt her mentally and physically) however, she goes through tough life lessons and in the end she focuses on more than the number on the scale.
