Colossus: The Forbin Project
Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970)

Colossus: The Forbin Project

(81 votos)




When Colossus is learning math, Harrison is standing across from Forbin.

He is asked to get a printout.

When he comes back to Forbin he stands next to him, yet there is a quick shot of him standing across from Forbin and then in the next shot he is standing next to Forbin.

Forbin's undergarment is visible when he says to Colossus "naked as the day I was born.

" At 14:15 into the movie, Colossus displays its first message.

The President turns to look at the small monitor, and the display reads "WARN HERE IS ANOTHER SYSTEM".

On the big ceiling monitor however it reads "WARN THERE IS ANOTHER SYSTEM", the correct message.

When the equations are scrolling past when Colossus and Guardian are "talking" to each other, you can see that they do not actually get ever more complex as the dialogue suggests.

Instead, they repeat the same sequence of calculus and trig identities on a repeating loop.

At the start The President states Colossus has control of ALL Allied defenses yet later in the movie when it chooses new targets for missiles it targets London, Rome & Denmark which have all been NATO members since 1948.

Just after the television transmission during the press conference announcing the activation of Colossus, Professor Forbin calls the CPO and Blake answers the "phone".

When he goes to get the phone, some of the pool cues behind him are misplaced in the on-wall rack.

A moment later, when everyone else comes over to say hello to Forbin, they are all properly stored.


As a computer named Colossus it certainly earns it moniker as you see how seriously huge the thing is in the opening scenes in its cavernous type home that looks a bit like the laboratory scenes out of Forbidden Planet", the opening scene shows the level of security protecting Colossus and includes 2 steel blast doors and a radiation shield. From the exterior shots Colossus is clearly kept in some sort of Cheyenne Mountain style complex and it made me wonder if this is where Wargames got a lot of its ideas from.

A no CGI Sci-Fi film. Sounds boring?

Much neglected seminal science fiction film that needs more love, or at least more acknowledgment from science fiction aficionados. Dr.

I find it tiresome, the reviewers who compare a movie made in 1970 with the latest Star Wars.This was the best technology there was, I know, I was there and I punched cards/tapes and stood by the line printer waiting for my Fortran program to run.

Following close on the heels of the lip-reading HAL 9000 in the seminal 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY, COLOSSUS: THE FORBIN PROJECT projects a "marriage of the minds"- The Master Minds, that is the American-made Colossus and the Russian-bred Guardian. The All-Knowing hybrid echoes the mighty AM in Harlan Ellison's masterpiece, I HAVE NO MOUTH AND I MUST SCREAM (in which the supercomputer achieves self-awareness and concludes: "Cogito, ergo sum.

An over-looked, underrated but very frightening Cold War sci-fi thriller containing a relevant warning about the danger of allowing our technology to rule us.The Cold War atmosphere of the time is captured effectively and all the cast delver understated excellent performances.

I just saw this movie for the first time, and it is an intelligent and well-done sci-fi thriller. It deals with AI sentience, and almost can be seen as the beginnings of Gort (from another excellent sci-fi film from 1951 called The Day The Earth Stood Still)If you're not sure about watching this, just watch it, you might be surprised and find a hidden, thought-provoking, gem!

"What are. You making.

The Forbin Project has just come out on DVD, anybody who has not already seen it has 24 hours to do so before they must hang their head in shame. The movie is 35 years old now but it is still the most intelligent and accurate portrayal of Artificial Intelligence ever put on film.
