Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014)

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret

(21 votos)




There was an opportunity here to make a documentary that really examined our relationship with the amount of meat we eat and much is wasted. Unfortunately it was clear after the first couple of minutes that the approach to the documentary was going to be nothing but forcing the vegan diet down the viewers throats.

I would like to talk about some of the films strengths and weaknesses. First I would like to discuss what I think the films strengths are.

This film will knock your socks off in terms of what some are willing to do to! The film is brilliant and the information still so relevant.

Cowspiracy is a 2014 documentary film in which director and narrators Kip Anderson and Keegan Kuhn explore the destruction that animal agriculture has on our overall environment and the true path to sustainability. The documentary digs deep into the ignorance that humans have on our everyday choices and the effects it has on our environment, such as sustainability and climate change.

This is an amazing documentary which will really change your perspective on food!

A certain huge amount of the meat produced expires in the storage, and in the stores and are thrown in the trash in millions of tons every day. That is not counting the meat that expires in your fridge and then trashed.

Probably one of the most interesting documentary on the subject of environmental protection I've gotten to watch in years. the documentary is about the taboo of animal husbandry's impact on climate change through the three-fold of gas-emitions, deforestation and water polution.

I do not agree that this is a vegan propaganda. I am not a vegan (at least not yet).

Cowspiracy tells the consequences of the consumption of animal based products compared to plant based dietary. What's more?
