Creed II
Creed II (2018)

Creed II

(10 votos)



So this movie could've and should've been an awesome movie. I love every movie in the Rocky Franchise but this one.

Creed 2 what's an improvement over Creed 1 I enjoyed the performance with Michael B Jordan of course Sylvester Stallone as Rocky Balboa.

I know that this was only a movie, but I've loved Rocky from the very start since 1976. The movie won best picture simply because it was truthful and sincere.

Rocky IV was a favorite movie of mine in the Rocky series. It was great to watch Michael B.

Creed II is a good but not great movie. I am a huge Rocky fan, and ifvI would rank Rocky movies it would be the second weakest ( after Rocky 5).

I just finished binging through Creed I and II on Netflix and, despite really liking the first one, I kinda expected a bit more from its sequel. Everything seemed very predictable, very much like a remake of Rocky IV.

I scrolled thru many many reviews and no one mentioned the short but tense meeting between Rocky and Drago. These 2 warhorse actors know their characters.

Acting is the WORST! Storys Predictable.

For an inspired retelling of the first movie (first two maybe) it was pretty good.Actually it was destined to be okay for that very reason.
