Dark Blue World
Dark Blue World (2001)

Dark Blue World

(55 votos)



It seems that no matter how many films are made on the subject, there is no shortage of stories that emerge from the Second World War. It stands to reason that a conflict on such a scale as global warfare would capture the imagination of filmmakers everywhere and provide them with ample material on which to base a story.

I am glad I have found this DVD in a street market. The story is interesting and accurate, the air battles are very well done, the acting is very good and the photography is excellent.

In addition to being a drama, this film gives a rather nice account of the Czech struggle against both Nazi Germany and the Stalinist Soviet Union. Having read "The Big Show" by Pierre Clostermann, and having had an Polish acquaintance who escaped Poland after the Nazi onslaught and made it to England, I found the main story line to be reasonably in line historical fact.

I absolutely loved this movie. Great, realistic looking combat footage for one thing and a touching, genuine story also.

Skip all the "amazing" rubbish and the other fake reviews. It's way better than Pearl harbor, but it's just not all there.

World War 2 is unsurprisingly told through the prism of the Allies - winners write the history after all - but the term 'Allied' highly subjective one; some Allies tend to be more equal than other, especially in the eyes of Hollywood, regardless of sacrifices or achievements.Dark Blue World is a modest attempt to highlight the experiences of Czechoslovakian aircrews exiled to the United Kingdom following the annexation and dismemberment of their country by Germany (with the disgraceful connivance of Britain and France).

I'm Czech and soldiers (not only pilots) who escaped Czechoslovakia after Nazi's invasion in 1939 and fought against them abroad are true heroes and bravest men in our history for me. This movie from director of Academy Award winner "Kolya" (1996) is a tribute to these men.

I enjoyed Dark Blue World but felt there was a lot more we could have learned from this film. It's well acted and beautifully filmed.

This film is 99% historically accurate unlike the many obvious misreprentations in Pearl Harbor. DBW makes use of real aircraft filmed for the purpose plus some bits from the film Battle Of Britain.
