Dark of the Sun
Dark of the Sun (1968)

Dark of the Sun

(26 votos)



I saw this in the theater when it was released. At the time it was on par with most films, since the directors were from the prewar generation when movies were in their infancy.

Jack Cardiff directed this hard-hitting & sharp-edged action adventure that stars Rod Taylor as mercenary Captain Curry, who is hired to travel to the Congo to retrieve a bunch of priceless uncut diamonds. Trouble is, the area is besieged by revolution and inhumane conditions, requiring the evacuation of all westerners from a fate worse than inevitable death.

During the "Congo Crisis" of the early 60's the town of Port Reprieve is cut off by rebel Simbas and a mercenary by the name of "Captain Bruce Curry" (Rod Taylor) is hired to take a small train and rescue the Europeans trapped there. But more importantly there is a cache of diamonds worth about $50 million which the President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo wants even more.

There are many excellent reviews here so I have only my details. The Nazi expatriate adds another element of reality to the era, along with many other things.

This film is the story of two mercenaries- Captain Curry and his counterpart Ruffo- an American educated Congolese- as they set out on a mission to save $50 million worth of diamonds...and a few people's lives.

Pretty good mercenary movie, based on a Wilbur Smith novel. Certainly better than The Wild Geese and The Dogs of War.

The Dark of The Sun starts off great and could of stayed that way if not for bad dubbing and very stupid scenarios. The movie takes place in Africa's Congo during the brutal Simba Revolt which is portrayed realistically in all its brutal violence.

This action film was BY FAR the favorite war movie of the foreign volunteers with whom I served in the Rhodesian Army. We probably all thought of ourselves as Bruce Curry clones.

Civil war in the Congo is the backdrop for this great adventure flick. Curry(Rod Taylor) is a soldier for hire.
