Demons (1985)


(20 votos)



Really i know some people will tan me for saying zombie in this review of a DEMONS film but come on instead of a bite it's a scram, well its anything really even touching one i guess could turn you if you get pussed on. Still i watched this movie way back when i was about 8 and i have to say i frickin bricked it and turned it off, then at 13 i went back and tried it again and loved it.

I saw this for the first time in the late 80's on a vhs n it was an awesome experience. Revisited it recently.

Reviewer " billybrown41" drew a comparison with "From Dusk Till Dawn" and he nailed it. It's very close to that, but instead of vampires we have demons (which act more like zombies actually) and instead of strip club, the movie takes place in a cursed cinema.

A bunch of unlucky moviegoers are locked into a theater with another patron who has transformed into a demon and one bite or scratch can turn anyone into one as well.Excellent effects, colorful lighting, and a loud heavy metal soundtrack give Demons a really interesting vibe.

The wonderful book, one of the best novels ever to have been written, was done a disservice by this mini series. The novel was a cry against and riposte to the fashionable nihilistic and Western tendencies of the times that were taking hold of some of the privileged Russian youth.

Demons is an English mini-series about a young man who finds out that he is the last descendant of Professor Abraham Van Helsing (a character originally seen in the 1897 Gothic horror novel Dracula). It is this young man's destiny to fight inhuman creatures and protect the human race.

Some people are randomly invited to a one off screening of a horror film in a large old theatre. Turns out it's a trap.

This was a nice surprise and definitely a new favourite. Directed by Lamberto Bava, son of giallo legend Mario Bava, this Italian horror film sees a theatre's audience under threat from an infectious demonic entity, which partially matches the events taking place in the film they're seeing.

While previews for this make it seem like a zombie flick, its technically a demon possession one, the demons share some similar traits to zombies. They move slowly and attack their victims in a swarm.
