Dogtooth (2009)


(83 votos)



Not a lot of movies shock me. So I was quite surprised the unsettling impact Dogtooth had on me.

This film is about a family, that has completely alienated itself to protect the children from the outside world. Why is not clear, but I think it has to do with the loss of a son what made the father and mother decide to do this.

Dogtooth, The Lobster, and The Killing of a Sacred Deer share plenty of similarities, but the most significant to me is the bizarre, original premises that are never explained at all and instead Lanthimos just barrels ahead into a brutal ending. His premises are always fun: here, we have a family with 3 kids who are raised with no contact with the outside world and are presented (frequently false) information through the filter of the father.

Ahh. That's the joy of discovering foreign language treasures which Hollywood fears to touch.

La familia, toda institución, puede derivar en autoritarismo. Depende del dominio del que manda, que la re-creará a su gusto para ejercer con mayor facilidad su mando.

"Dogtooth" is a masterpiece for me. It has its own unique style that differentiates from the Greek production and actually makes it one of the best Greek movies of this century.

It's obviously well done, well thought out, and well made. But i don't get it.

Extremely interesting concept, with strong messages on the power parents have over their children and how children are punished based on their parents beliefs and how little rights children actually have, hated the stupid typical Largos open to interpretation ending. Besides that loved this surreal often disturbing dramady.

Terrible just terrible.a crazy father has isolated his family and cares about dogs more than his children.
