Dream for an Insomniac
Dream for an Insomniac (1996)

Dream for an Insomniac

(26 votos)




This is one of the best 5 romance/comedies I've seen in my life. Ione Skye is perfect as Frankie, and Jennifer Anniston surpasses her role in the TV series "Friends" (a show I never liked much, despite her great acting.

Picky Frankie (Ione Skye) can't find a good man. She has trouble sleeping since she lost her parents.

My love for this movie has not waned since it first came out. I really enjoy talkfest romances; high up on my list is When Harry Met Sally.

I thought the first half of the movie was fantastic; the use of color, the eccentricity of Frankie, the main character, and just the general way in which this "conventional" romantic comedy added its own ticks and quirks (with an infusion of Frank Sinatra) held so much promise.From this first half I was prepared to absolutely fall in love with this movie.

I just watched About a Boy; a movie about a man living off his father's singular hit. Do we have the same thing here?

OK fine, it is not absolutely great direction and closure, But what a wow film, really 10 out of 10 on an effort. It a an amazingly great film, especially for a lot of people who were young in the 90s, The thoughts, the changes, the culture, the alternative rock, the next way of life.

I agree with what one other person said...Ione Skye took some weird roles.

This is a great film: witty, charming, well-acted and wonderfully written. The characters are all played to perfection by an array of very talented young actors (especially MacKenzie Astin, who plays David).

OK - I agree Jennifer's accents were not that funny. But she did a convincing job as the friend who is in reality.
