Edward Scissorhands
Edward Scissorhands (1990)

Edward Scissorhands

(44 votos)




Joyce's cigarette when Peg comes to the house.

Peggy's glasses while she puts cream on Edward's face to fix his scars.

When his bush sculptures are finished, most of them are much higher than the original hedges.

At the "bed time story" scene, the granddaughter of older Kim is covered all the way to her neck.

A couple of shots after, she's suddenly covered just below her chest.

When Kim startles Edward after seeing him in the mirror, you can see the board that replaced the water bed as he jumps up from between the water fountains.

After receiving a phone call, Joyce looks for something to wear, throwing clothes on her bed behind her.

She grabs a burgundy colored article of clothing, but, when she meets her friends on the corner, she is wearing yellow and green.

When Peg leaves Edward to answer the phone after she gives him the clothes, she (obviously) leaves the room.

Just as she is about to walk back into the room, white cue tape placed right where Peg stands is visible.

in the climax of the movie when Jim is hitting Edward with the "iron" bar, it bends noticeably.

When Edward stabs Jim in the stomach, Jim falls out of the window.

When we see Jim on the ground, he is bleeding out of his chest.

During the fight scene in the attic, the slashes in Jim's leather jacket are no longer bloody.

And when he's knocked to the floor, they disappear completely.

After Edward tells the Boggs family about Joyce taking all her clothes off, Peg is sitting still (surprised) holding a fork in her right hand, in the next shot she is holding her food with both hands.

In the diner, Kim's straw in her glass is at an angle, in the next shot it is completely upright.

When Bill is watching TV in the garden, Edward is standing right next to him, in the next shot Edward is further away and starts walking towards Bill again.

When Kevin places the hose pipe on the ground, he doesn't actually turn off the water tap.

In the scene at the diner, the Boggs son has his hand on a tomato sauce bottle.

In the next angle, we see he is putting the bottle down onto the table without picking it up in the first place.

When Peg stands by the mansion's garden gate where she meets Edward for the first time, acres and fields are visible just behind the gate, even though this is supposed to be atop a small mountain.

There is no egg on the whisks of the cookie-making machine after mixing.

When Peg first brings Edward to her house, she clearly parks her vehicle on the left side of the house.

When everyone is seen gathering around the corner, the car is no longer there, though Peg has not left the house.

At the time of the break-in at Jim's house, Edward is wearing dark clothes and a cap unlike what he can be seen wearing at other times throughout the film.

He has previously demonstrated an inability to dress himself, and with this in mind it is strange that everybody assumes that he committed the burglary by himself.

In the first shot of the husbands driving off to work, the house next to the Esmeralda's is being tented.

The next day the women are at Peg's door and the house is visible without the tent.

Fumigation requires 72 hour tenting.

The first dog that Edward grooms changes breeds before and after its hair was cut.

When all the dogs are waiting in line to be groomed, Edward has Joyce's dog sitting on a single, long table; the only table visible before Joyce's dog is groomed.

When Edward begins to groom Joyce's dog, a small, square table can be seen next to the table that Joyce's dog is supposedly sitting on.

The longer table disappears.

After Joyce's dog is groomed, the smaller table disappears, replaced with the longer table that Joyce's dog was originally sitting on.

When Peg wants to bandage her daughter's injured left hand, Kim raises her right hand initially, but quickly offers her left hand instead.

When Edward unlocks the door after everyone leaves to find him, we can see some white cue tape where he is meant to stand (Open matte only).

Visible line attached to the "sculpted" Bear when Denny knocks it over with the van.

When Peg comes in Kim's room to help Edward put on the white shirt that Peg gave him to change into, the doorway that Peg stands in the yellow mark is still there.

- PLOTEdward has a flashback memory of a time before he was even created.

When Joyce knocks on the Boggs' door, the knocker reads 'The Boggs' but when Peggy closes the door, the knocker is plain.

On one version the movie poster of Edward's profile, there is a grammatical error.

It says, "The Story of a Uncommonly Gentle Man", when it should clearly say ".

An uncommonly.

Box Office

USA USD 56,362,352
UK GBP 4,299,000
25 February 2012 Worldwide USD 86,024,005
Spain ESP 96,217,353
9 December 1990 USA USD 159,622 2


I remember sitting in the theater when this first came out and totally blown away by the snow drifting over the 20th Century Fox logo and the sudden influx of the Danny Elfman music which drifted me off into the fantasy world of this strange suburb world where a castle on a strategically placed mountaintop once was the residence for a sweet old man so desperate for a son, he created the title character. In the prologue of this film, beloved thespian Vincent Price saunters along the corridors of his castle, preparing to give his invented son Edward (Johnny Depp) everything he needed, that is, besides hands, which unfortunately were never able to be placed on him.

I had seen this one before and had a vague on the positive side memory of it. It was being discussed on the IMDb board and many praised it to the skies.

There came a time in my life when I changed different hobbies from watching TV shows mainly cartoons to movies to video games. I never really knew what piece of entertainment I was really into.

After this movie.. every time I see Winona my heart beats faster.

Tim Burton's aesthetic is as eye-catching as always. But, for me, despite the recommendation, I didn't really like the movie.

Johnny Depp is superb as Edward Scissorhands, an orphaned creation of a kindly inventor(Vincent Price, wonderful)who died before he could fit hands onto Edward, who has continued to live on alone in a castle on top of a hill until an Avon lady finds him, and takes him home to her bewildered family(Husband played by Alan Arkin, and daughter played by Winona Ryder) At first, the neighbors are fascinated by Edward, who performs various tasks(like hairdressing and shrub-pruning) until an arrogant bully(played by Anthony Michael Hall) starts to make trouble, and soon almost everyone turns against Edward, who must flee...Well-directed(by Tim Burton) fable about social acceptance vs.

Tim burton's exclusive.....awesome directing....

Edward Scissorhands is and will always be the best movie that ever existed. Tim Burton's fantastic mind has created a completely breathtaking universe and story.
