Far Far Away Idol
Far Far Away Idol (2004)

Far Far Away Idol

(23 votos)




My wife and I watched this on our anniversary night. Was a good night.

I may be biased here as i cannot stand Simon Cowell or his show, but I felt that "Shrek" really did not need this short film. Basically, all the characters from the movie get to see one song and Cowell comments on it as negatively as he always does.

I thought both of the Shrek movies were great!! The subtle comments made both movies equally amazing.

Following on from the Swamp Party extra on the first Shrek DVD, this short film tries to repeat the same trick but within the bounds of a spoof of Pop Idol. In theory it should work because I quite enjoyed the Swamp Party short because I felt it had the energy and humour of the film.
