Hickok (2017)


(27 votos)



Some Good Actors. Too bad they could not save this one.

Everything from the storyline to the costumes and makeup was well below par. Even the acting was oddly terrible.

Enough said. Except my review is too short so I will say it again...

Good story about Bill Hickok, but the ending was a bit weak and it was incredibly stupid and cliche to tell the kid not to be like him when his actions basically say the opposite the whole movie. One scene that stood out was when Matte visits Wild Bill at night and just keeps you guessing.

Like what is going on here. Disarming a town bc the ppl ride thru and shot ppl.

The script could be a schoolkid's Dramatic Writing homework for their English Lit class. The plot runs through every Western cliche so predictably & laboriously, while the personalities of the characters vary wildly from scene to scene, depending on whether they're meant to serious (read: hammy) or humorous (read: cringeworthy).

Sadly the western is no more if the last few efforts are to be judged by.This film conclusively proves that none of the Hemsworth clan can act.

I should have read the viewer reviews more carefully; my husband loves westerns so we decided to give it a try; at first we thought it was supposed to b e a parody and that the reviewers "didn't get it" but no.
