Hot Girls Wanted
Hot Girls Wanted (2015)

Hot Girls Wanted

(16 votos)




'Hot Girls Wanted' is an intimate look at the 'amateur' porn industry, and is about as scary as you would assume - the 'industry' grinds up young girls really quickly and then leaves them with barely anything, and most likely ruined lives (pursuing another career at this point is difficult, considering that it is inevitable that your online work will be discovered).What the film doesn't conclusively answer is why these (and so many other) girls sign up for this.

I definitely fit into a polar stance immediately with this sort of subject matter, which I then try to reason myself away from in an attempt to absorb the rationale of who creates this sort of work that demonizes (Oh no, surprise, surprise, I too, have been involved in porn!) a previous profession.

I was interested in this after hearing that Rashida Jones (whom I've always liked) produced it.The actual direction, honestly, is ho-hum-large parts of it felt like someone just strung a bunch of random footage together and called it a "documentary".

Who produced this? The Christian Right ?

First off, I don't think this film has anything bad to say about people who watch porn or women who choose this as a career path. It offers both negative and positive opinions on the subject from the subjects of the film -- both the men and women.

Guess you should've just gone to school huh, too bad no sympathy points from me.

Hot Girls Wanted (2015) *** (out of 4) Good, if flawed, documentary taking a look at a group of young girls who enter the amateur porn industry. The documentary follows the girls for a few months as they get introduced to the business while the viewer also gets to know various statistics about online porn and the girls who try to escape their lives by entering it.

I heard about this by accident,and figured it was another one of those feminist propaganda movies.Turned out I was wrong.

I say it should have been called "Young Girls Wanted" because what enabled the objects of this film to make money in the adult industry was definitely not their looks, but their ages.Hot girls Wanted is an interesting (albeit skewed) documentary about one very small aspect of the adult industry.
