How to Build a Better Boy
How to Build a Better Boy (2014)

How to Build a Better Boy

(27 votos)




I guarantee that if the title were, "How to Build a Better Girl", there'd be an outrage. As a guy, I find the very title and concept of the movie offensive.

This movie is just awful in every way. The main characters are nerds.

This movie just had me in shock and awe. Disney says this is original but I literally stood there in shock realizing that this movie is weird science in every possible way just with different characters genders.

This is a very entertaining film for the young boy crazy teen girl who still giggle about kissing a boy. Mae (Kelli Berglund) and Gabby (China Anne McClain) are two geeky BFFs.

So what's an old man doing, reviewing a so-called 'DCOM'? Well, I'm an English language teacher in Asia, so I skim all these movies to see if there are any that are good enough for me to use in a classroom...

Ok so Disney has brought us amazing original movies and good retellings old stories, but this is just a huge ripoff of weird science. Let's take a look at the similarities.

This is a typical movie for kids. The movie is built on the like-ability of China Anne McClain.
