Hunter Prey
Hunter Prey (2010)

Hunter Prey

(58 votos)




Its not a sublime movie. It will never get much praise.

People comparing this movie to District 9 and Star Wars ? Seriously ?

This movie accomplishes a lot with very little. Although at first it looks like another low budget cheesefest, it soon proves itself to be a worthy and appealing science fiction story.

This is a great film. It is slow and not for everyone, but it's supposed to be that way.

First things first: 1.) This movie doesn't feature multi-million-$ cinematics.

This movie has great character build up as well as a decent plot. The visual effects are not the type you would see in a prime cinema feature, but this does not in the least spoil the film.

Definitely far better than the the rating suggests.

It's low budget sci fi done right. You don't even notice the low budget part once you get started.

I loved this film. Sure, some can see parts of it as moving slow, but what they did with their budget is so smart.
