Love Me If You Dare
Love Me If You Dare (2003)

Love Me If You Dare

(67 votos)



The plot is ridiculous which ruined the movie immediately. Two kids......

The characters are weird for me. They brought trouble to others just for fun.

Most of us, me included, judge a movie after its ending. If the film is great is has to have a great ending, if it sucked the ending sucked.

Romantic and crazy French film, literary and painful love story.The plot is novel and the rhythm is brisk.

Do you remember the Will Smith movie " Pursuit of Happiness" ? Well I am sure that if you do you remember asking yourself how lucky Will Smith is to be able to put his Father to Son lessons on camera.

People could perhaps interpret this story as being childish and unrealistic..but that's where the screenplay holds it's head high and never lets you think for a minute so.

This movie is painfully romantic ... very painful ...

This movie was cute. A different kind of love story.

To begin with, this is written for only those who have seen the movie and wish to discuss it.To begin with, I saw the sub-titled version of the film, on a long distance flight back home from a very frustrating office trip.
