Mirror Mirror
Mirror Mirror (2012)

Mirror Mirror

(84 votos)




Around 18 minutes of this film, in the forest, as the Prince is bidding adieu to Snow White, He was first standing on the left side of his companion, Charles.

One second later, he was standing on the right side of Charles.

When Snow White is about to go outside the castle for the first time, you hear the clanking of the knights axes but you can see clearly that they don't touch each other.

When the Prince's helper Charles Renbock is leaving the Prince at the castle they are having a discussion about the Queen and how she is crazy, when the camera goes back and forth between the characters Charles collar is open, then closed and then open again.

After the Queen finds out Snow White is alive she storms to her room wearing the Elizabethan stiff collar.

She enters the closet with the collar on but in the next shot of her approaching the mirror from inside the closet it disappears.
