My Octopus Teacher
My Octopus Teacher (2020)

My Octopus Teacher

(17 votos)



A truly touching story of two species connecting on a level that is unknown to most. Animals are the greatest teachers out there, and what a blessing it is to connect with such an extraordinary creature.

There's not much to say about this documentary type movie. It show cases an animal that's one of the most intelligent creatures we know and interacting with it, in its own environment.

Loved everything about this amazing documentary. The manner in which the story unfolds keep you needing to see and learn more about this amazing creature and its relationship with the filmmaker.

This is the second documentary I have watched on the Octopus, but this one is more personal. We don't get to know the context except that human protagonist has gone through a period of crisis and goes back to one of his childhood occupations--underwater exploration.

A really quite beautiful documentary that had me shed a tear or two...

Amazing story.Amazing camera work and footage.

Wow. No other words to say.

Everyone do yourself a favour and watch this beautiful documentary about Craig Foster and the wonderful relationship he had with an octopus. It highlights how highly intelligent these beautiful creatures are.
