Overnight Delivery
Overnight Delivery (1998)

Overnight Delivery

(62 votos)




There should be no leaves on the trees in Tennessee in February.

- PLOTTrips doesn't tell Ivy that he and Kimberly are celibate until they're halfway to Des Moines, yet she seems to know this when she's helping him compose his Dear Jane letter.

When Wyatt and Ivy crash through the roadblock, a piece of it (obviously styrofoam) bounces off Wyatt's head without causing damage.

When the delivery man switches to the front gas tank of the blown-up van, his hand and sleeve appears scorched by the flames.

But when he yells out the door of the van waving the package, he isn't scorched at all, and then he shows up in Memphis burned all over.

After Ivy crashes through the road block and Wyatt is hanging from the car, behind Wyatt in the close-ups, you can see the green-screen in the background.

The delivery man ignites the gasoline from his truck by throwing a lit cigarette into it.

A cigarette does not burn hot enough to ignite liquid gasoline.

After the two get arrested they are supposed to be in Iowa, however when they leave the jail there is clearly a sign behind them that says Hastings, MN.

When supposedly driving through the Twin Cities, Minnesota, the freeway signs clearly indicate Interstate 65, not Interstate 35.

I-65 ends in Gary, Indiana, some 450 miles away.


"Overnight Delivery" is one of those mainstream Hollywood comedies that must have been a modest success upon release but which is remembered mostly through vague recollections from those who saw it on a date in 1998, among fans of the stars, or by people who caught it on TV at some point. I belong to the latter group, having seen this sometime in the early 00's, probably, on some movie channel.

What a hilarious road trip comedy. Reese and Paul are great together.

... such, are so-called "wacky teen comedies" really only for teens, or are they iconic in theme and execution, and can be enjoyed by any viewer regardless of age..?

High school sweethearts Wyatt Trips (Paul Rudd) and Kimberly Jasney (Christine Taylor) are dealing with a long distance relationship as they attend different colleges. He phones her but her roommate seems to suggest that Kimberly has a new guy.

A college freshman who thinks his long-distance girlfriend is cheating on him sends her the most disgusting Dear Jane letter imaginable (complete with icky and salacious visual aids). But the next morning, he realizes that the truth of the matter has been distorted across the distance, and vows to retrieve the package.

This movie really should be right up there with the "Best 10 Reese Witherspoon" movies made. It's just pure brilliance & not to mention one of the greatest road movies I've seen!

It's so underrated and super cute. Reese Witherspoon is great and I've always loved Paul Rudd.

This movie was surprisingly good. It's not the best-written or most original idea, but the comedy is surprisingly good.

Overnight delivery is basically the same story as the movie "Road Trip" where the main character tries desperately to get back pictures of him with a stripper (Witherspoon), before his loving faithful girlfriend can see them. The same exact concept but without the laughing.
