Pitch Black
Pitch Black (2000)

Pitch Black

(22 votos)




In the darkened hallway immediately after the eclipse, the shadow of a camera is visible (at least in the wide-screen version) on the left third of the screen.

Shazza rips up the same tarp that Zeke already ripped up.

When Fry is climbing out of the cave, the "solid" walls shake.

When Ali runs into the closet, he is surrounded by a flock of the raptors.

In the reverse shot, from inside the closet, there are no raptors around him at all.

When they are all in the room, drinking water, discussing what happened to the previous miners, the bruise on Riddick's head disappears between shots.

After Johns is killed by the creatures, Carolyn and three others start running back.

Riddick meets up with them.

All of them besides Riddick are holding makeshift torches.

When Riddick starts talking to them, the torches are lit, but in the next shot, they are unlit.

The cutting torch Fry looks for is an oxygen-acetylene torch.

However, when they have to cut their way into the next compartment, Riddick is using a plasma cutting torch.

An oxy-acetylene cutting torch would leave the edges of whatever it cut glowing red.

When Riddick comes through the hole he just made, the edges aren't glowing.

After Zeke shoots the wounded passenger who was mistaken for Riddick, the blood splatters all over Shazza's face and chest.

In the next shot, the blood is gone, including whatever trace of it would have been on her clothing.

Obvious doubles in the scene where the crew boards Shazza's ride to escape from the eclipse, just as they ride through the skeleton barrier.

During a solar eclipse it is impossible to see the full shape of the eclipsing object - you can only see the sun's disc being obstructed.

This is due to the fact that the back side cannot be darker than the dark sky around - which is still true when there is an atmosphere which diffuses the sunlight at the location of observation.

However, during the eclipse scene, the obstructing planet is clearly visible from its back side.

This would be entirely possible in a three-star system.

Paris says that spirits "over 45 proof burn quite well".

Spirits over 90 proof (45% alcohol by volume) are highly flammable.

Lower proof spirits need to be warmed before their vapor can be ignited.

- PLOTWatching the onset of the eclipse should give an indication as to its duration.

The relative position and movement of the stars and planets as depicted would indeed result in an eclipse whose length were hours at most, as Johns claimed.

This is in spite of the fact that the planets are orbiting in the same direction, as Imam mentions.

If this were not the case, the onset of the eclipse from the time the ringed planet first became visible on the horizon would have taken significantly longer, giving sufficient time for a return to the skiff.

When Carolyn first addresses Imam, she quite obviously pronounces his name "ell-mom," as though the capital I in his title were a lower-case L.

In the scene just before Johns is killed he loads the shotgun and uses it as a prop to stand up.

The barrel is plugged with dirt when he gets up, in the next scene it is not plugged and he shoots one of the monsters attacking him.

The planet responsible for the eclipse can be seen to have two rings.

The larger ring seems to orbit the equator of the planet - or, at least, a great circle.

The other ring is not orbiting a great circle, which is mechanically impossible.

Although the planet's surface is supposed to be completely dark - "pitch black", as it were - the landscape is actually almost always fairly brightly lit, and the characters habitually have visible, very distinctive shadows that clearly betray the strong lights they used in the filming.

The less light the characters themselves are carrying, the more obvious this becomes.

Durging Riddick's monologue in the beginning of the movie, right after he says "Smelled a woman", Shazza opens her eyes for a second while she's supposed to be in her cryo sleep.

When the crew is brought out of stasis by the computer, the shot of 'Simon Burke (I)' (qv)'s character being ejected from the stasis chamber is actually a shot of 'Cole Hauser' (qv) being "kicked" from the chamber.

There was no shot of the character Owens being "kicked" from the chamber.

This can be seen in slow motion.

When Carolyn walks into the lab at the human settlement there is a model of the planet, its surrounding planets and the three suns.

The planet they are on is not the object everything is rotating around, it is the 2nd planet from the center.

So that the ringed planet blocks two suns and a smaller planet blocks the blue sun.

However, what the planets and suns are rotating around, if anything, is unknown to the viewer.

During Fry and John's discussion about his drug habits, Fry's lips don't move during her last line.

Box Office

5 July 2012 USA USD 39,240,659
11 June 2000 USA USD 39,235,088
4 June 2000 USA USD 39,208,645
28 May 2000 USA USD 39,159,717
21 May 2000 USA USD 39,026,928
14 May 2000 USA USD 38,890,640
7 May 2000 USA USD 38,690,176
30 April 2000 USA USD 38,486,527
23 April 2000 USA USD 38,446,888
16 April 2000 USA USD 38,387,950
9 April 2000 USA USD 38,304,673
2 April 2000 USA USD 38,135,077
26 March 2000 USA USD 37,620,175
19 March 2000 USA USD 36,480,488
12 March 2000 USA USD 34,086,236
5 March 2000 USA USD 29,707,222
27 February 2000 USA USD 22,930,719
20 February 2000 USA USD 14,015,741
10 December 2000 UK GBP 2,702,570
3 December 2000 UK GBP 2,588,653
26 November 2000 UK GBP 2,316,912
19 November 2000 UK GBP 1,817,604
12 November 2000 UK GBP 900,663
5 July 2012 Worldwide USD 53,187,659
15 October 2000 Germany DEM 6,097
8 October 2000 Germany DEM 48,901
1 October 2000 Germany DEM 196,201
24 September 2000 Germany DEM 278,537
17 September 2000 Germany DEM 982,130
10 September 2000 Germany DEM 1,677,735
Germany DEM 4,120,022
20 February 2000 USA USD 14,015,741 1,832
12 November 2000 UK GBP 900,663 295
10 September 2000 Germany DEM 1,677,735 300
11 June 2000 USA USD 11,481 30
4 June 2000 USA USD 25,759 51
28 May 2000 USA USD 81,775 80
21 May 2000 USA USD 89,597 135
14 May 2000 USA USD 172,832 172
7 May 2000 USA USD 187,607 271
30 April 2000 USA USD 17,531 56
23 April 2000 USA USD 28,275 77
16 April 2000 USA USD 45,687 103
9 April 2000 USA USD 76,471 165
2 April 2000 USA USD 255,212 419
26 March 2000 USA USD 614,790 917
19 March 2000 USA USD 1,446,415 1,384
12 March 2000 USA USD 2,942,270 1,730
5 March 2000 USA USD 5,066,884 1,903
27 February 2000 USA USD 7,136,877 1,930
20 February 2000 USA USD 14,015,741 1,832
10 December 2000 UK GBP 53,777 114
3 December 2000 UK GBP 139,927 185
26 November 2000 UK GBP 269,474 256
19 November 2000 UK GBP 541,766 292
12 November 2000 UK GBP 900,663 295


People who thought that THE CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK sucked harder than the black hole that swallowed up EVENT HORIZON, probably didn't see the movie that spawned Vin Diesel's skin-headed killer to begin with, and probably have no intention of doing so. Too bad, because PITCH BLACK actually does kick major ass.

Pitch Black meshes the sci-fi/fantasy genre with the horror genre better than any other movie, including Alien. Vin Diesel's character is amazing.

By far one of my favourite comedy movies. Every scene makes just about as much sense as the next, and Vin Diesel thinking he can look intimidating with minion goggles on adds to the fun factor.

When a starship crash-lands on an arid, desert planet with three suns, the survivors are left in quite a predicament: should they fear the serial killer who's been let loose among them, or fear the monsters systematically stalking them from the dark? Pitch Black is a pretty unique thriller, and a lot of it is in its visual storytelling: it's a brutal universe with oppressive planetscapes, freaky alien monsters, and a whole cast of cut-throat characters.

Director David Twohy and scenarists Ken & Jim Wheat have fashioned a grim, claustrophobic but exciting sci-fi, horror chiller about a commercial vessel in space that is struck by meteor shower. Not only is the ship Hunter-Gratzner knocked out of its shipping lane, but also the captain dies.

One of my all-time favorite sci-fi movies. I liked "Chronicles" & "Riddick" as well, but "Pitch Black" will always be my favorite in the trilogy, Cult classic must see.

I just re-watched this, to refresh my memory. Riddick 2(or part 3 of the Pitch Black trilogy if you will) was about to start in the cinema and I only had watched the first one over a decade ago.

Pitch Black is a decent movie. Because this fits the genre that I love the most, I thought I would love this.
