Plaga zombie: Zona mutante
Plaga zombie: Zona mutante (2001)

Plaga zombie: Zona mutante

(64 votos)




Forget "Walking Dead", "Night of The Living Dead", "Zombi"... etc.

An enthusiastically splattery, low-budget comedy gore-fest from Argentina, Zombie Plague Mutant Zone sees three survivors of a zombie outbreak (caused by an alien virus) intercepted by the authorities and thrown straight back into the now quarantined town. The trio, an ex pro-wrestler named John West (Pablo Parés), medical student Bill (Pablo Parés), and a nerd called Max (Hernán Sáez), fend off the undead whilst trying to figure out a way to escape their predicament.

I am a big fan of zombie films and even own over 50 of them on DVD, but it's one of those genres like vampires where every one and their brother seems to be taking a camcorder and making one in their backyard. There are great zombie films and downright awful ones and this falls into the middle (putting it way ahead of some low budget garbage I've sat through).

To say that this is a good film would be a lie, but to say that it is an entertaining film is an acceptable statement.The budget in non existing, so is the acting, the story, the makeup, the script, the photography, the editing the directing, etc.

Man o man I love zombie movies. If you do too, the chances are good that you'll like this little gem.

I found this movie to be very funny and the gore was outstanding. A couple things I didn't enjoy so much was that the zombies make-up effects were a bit too fake and my copy has no subtitles!

This gloriously wild, crazy, funny and gory as all hell zombie splatter action extravaganza centers on three colorfully flaky and funny ordinary guys -- smart and resourceful medical student Bill Johnson, hopelessly geeky computer nerd Max Giggs, and rough'n'tumble cowboy ex-wrestler John West -- who have to fight their way through thousands of zombies when they find themselves trapped in a city that's overrun with the wickedly clever and hyperactive suckers.Man, is this just a truly great off-the-wall fright flick blast: brash, dynamic, fast-paced, often hilarious, frequently thrilling, briskly directed, and acted with lip-licking enthusiasm by an admirably committed cast, every last frame of this fabulous film oozes with a joy, passion and vitality that's a real treat to watch.

.. of the horror-comedy genre..

PLAGA ZOMBIE: ZONA MUTANTE is obviously going to be lumped in with other horror/comedy "classics" such as BRAINDEAD, and EVIL DEAD 2 - and for good reason. This film definitely has MANY elements that borrow liberally from those films (including a lot of how the action and gore scenes are shot) but this film definitely holds up as a fun, gory, silly zombie/comedy of it's own.
