Quo vadis, Aida?
Quo vadis, Aida? (2020)

Quo vadis, Aida?

(12 votos)



This film was much needed on the quarter-century anniversary of the massacre of Srebrenica, one of the most bloody pages of the most recent european wars, the Jugloslavian conflicts, that happened so recently yet are unspoken of.Zbanic's film is better described as a family drama that happens to be set during Srebrenica than a film about Srebrenica alone.

A great movie about true events ! Never forget Srebrenica!

Pure proof how a human can be full of hate and evil, to commit crimes against humanity on a scale that is unspeakable. It is a pure shame to see people alive to this day that riddle with the numbers on how many were actually killed, only to not admit the formal conclusion that it was a genocide, meddling with the hearts of those who lost everything.

One of the best movies I have watched in the last years. With help of this movie, it is very easy to understand how this horrible crime happened middle in Europe.

Quo Vadis, Aida? by Bosnian director Jasmila Zbanic, is the cry of a woman, trapped in a men's war game.

This is about events around the Srebrenica massacre in 1995. The UN promised that this would be a safe zone, but doesn't back up its ultimatums with action, leaving the small contingent of UN peacekeepers helpless in the face of stronger Serbian forces, who step-by-step get bolder, take over the town, and eventually the civilians seeking safety at the UN base.

TIFF 2020 11Quo Vadis, Aida?Any films that are focused on what happened at Yugoslavia in 1995 are important and welcomed.

Highly recommended. Gives a good picture of what happened in Srebrenica.

Jasmila Zbanic calculated by not showing brutal scenes of the horrifying genocide that happened in Srebrenica in 1995, probably to make the film more watchable for a wider audience. I think that she should have shown all the horrors that the Serbian army was doing to civilians.
