Replicas (2016)


(32 votos)



What are we? What is our essence?

This movie has decent acting and an average plot. What I value most about this film, is that it encourages the viewer to keep thinking and discussing the moral implications of the subject matter that it revolves around.

Movie Will Hit You Hard With Upcoming Science And Technology In The Presence Of Artificial Intellegence ") Awesome Sci Fic Story , Future Will Be So Intresting And Dangerous. Keanu Revees , Story Is Superb , Mind Blowing.

At each step along the way, the movie never went where I thought it was headed. I think the plot was well-thought-out, and I liked the casting (for the most part).

It's so stupid and bad, that I fast-forwarded through much of if. Keanu Reeves cannot act.

When he's running, when he's shooting, when he doesn't say much or show much emotion... he's the one.

Okay, everyone knows sci-fi's never based on science anyway. So we have Reeves and Ortiz, but unfortunately they did not save the bad acting of the whole cast.

This is worth watching it isn't regrettable.This is a realistic and well-executed sci-fi.
