Rocky (1976)


(51 votos)




The number "2" disappears off Rocky's apartment door after he answers the door to let Micky in.

During the fight with Apollo Creed, the top of Rocky's shorts are flipped inside-out in one shot.

In the next,they are fixed.

When Rocky enters the bathroom while Mickey is visiting him, three darts are on the door.

After Rocky opens the door the first time, the darts are in a completely different pattern.

In the final shot, the door has 2 darts.

During the big fight, the arena is clearly empty at times.

This is because only 50 extras could be afforded for the scenes, and despite cinematographer 'James Crabe' (qv)'s best efforts to hide this fact, occasional, if one looks hard enough, one can see most of the arena is empty.

During the fight, Steadicam operator 'Garrett Brown (I)' (qv) and his assistant are visible at ringside several times in the wide shots.

Brown can clearly be seen wearing a black and white stripped top.

When Rocky sees Marie and asks her if her brother knew she was hanging out with those "coconuts", he's smoking a cigarette.

When he grabs her, the cigarette disappears.

In the Morning Run scene, the camera zooms out as Rocky runs down the street.

The lighting equipment is visible at the top of the screen, right above the farthest building.

At the end of the fight, when Apollo and Rocky are hugging, Apollo's manager comes up to him in the close-up shot.

Then they switch to an aerial shot, and Apollo's manager jumps over the ropes into the ring.

When Rocky is talking to Adrian on Thanksgiving through the door, the camera shot goes to Paulie who is about ten feet away.

You can see one of the movie cameras in the mirror.

Rocky fights Apollo at the Spectrum Stadium in Philadelphia.

As Adrian comes out to watch the fight, a Los Angeles police officer is standing behind her in the corridor.

The closing credits list real-life boxing referee 'Lou Fillipo' (qv), who plays the referee in the Championship fight, as "Championship Fight Announcer".

'Thayer David' (qv), who plays the promoter Jergens, was the fight announcer.

After the announcer finishes announcing the beginning of the fight, the microphone rises back up to the ceiling.

As it rises, it hits the camera and shakes it.

About a half hour into the film, Rocky is looking at pictures and clippings on the wall, and there is the sound of a steam locomotive coming up to speed, along with the sound of its steam whistle.

Diesels had long since supplanted steam in Philadelphia and most of the country in 1976.

Rocky (who is supposed to be left handed) uses right hand to write down info on collections he is supposed to make in two scenes and to turn dial on combination lock at beginning of movie.

However, just because Rocky boxes Southpaw does not mean he is necessarily left-handed.

When Adrian and Rocky leave for their date, there is a rose bush in front of the house that has two fresh roses on it and some flowers on the ground in bloom.

Since it is late November in Philadelphia and it is obviously cold, this wouldn't be possible.

When Rocky (Sylvester Stallone) is knocked down during the fight, and on the verge of defeat, you can audibly hear Rocky's manager and trainer, Mickey (Burgess Meredith's voice on an ADR dub) yelling to Rocky, "Stay down!" as he does not want to see Rocky take a further beating.

However, you can see Rocky's corner man, Mike (Jimmy Gambina), mouthing "Get up!" When Rocky is boxing in the meat-packing plant, he is in an orthodox stance, not southpaw.

When Rocky and Creed walk towards the ring neither have their boxing gloves on.

Once they step into the ring and the ring announcer announces Rocky and Creed their gloves are gone.

Rocky wakes up at 4:30am to start his exercise regime,it is December.

When we see him out jogging up the steps,the dawn is breaking.

The sun should not be coming up until after 7:00am (Unless he ran for 2 & 1/2 hours!) In an early scene, Adrian and Rocky are talking on a street in "South Philadelphia" while an elevated train passes in the background.

There are no elevated trains in South Philly.

When Rocky is demonstrating his training technique for the news story, the camera angle on Rocky changes multiple times but there was only one camera present.

When Adrian enters Rocky's apartment for the first time, Rocky is wearing fingerless gloves when he removes his hat and sweater.

In the very next shot when he is showing Adrian the turtles he bought, he has no gloves on.

In the final fight, just before we see the sign for Round 13, there is a shot of Rocky in a clinch looking fairly unmarked even though the previous rounds had shown him already very bloodied.

Box Office

USA USD 117,235,247
Worldwide USD 225,000,000
1976 Non-USA USD 107,000,000
Sweden SEK 9,808,000
5 December 1976 USA USD 5,000,000
