Spanglish (2004)


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When the Audi reverses out of the driveway, it has no license plate on it.

However in the next shot, it suddenly has one.

After Deborah ask the man washing cars in Malibu to translate for Flor and he pauses to put on a button up shirt before he translates, as he translates in one shot his shirt is askew because he has buttoned it wrong.

In the next shot his shirt is buttoned correctly.

When Deborah and Cristina return from the flea market Deborah is holding a white chandelier in her right hand.

In the next shot when Cristina hands the blanket to Deborah the chandelier is gone.

Deborah never put the chandelier down or handed it off, it simply vanished.

When Flor and her daughter are moving out, the green dress she is wearing seems to go from wet to dry to wet again.

When Georgie is asking John if he is mad at him, Georgie's hair changes between shots.

When John Clasky is making his late night sandwich, in the first shot the fried egg is on top of the bacon, and the lettuce is on top, in the next shot, the egg is on top of the lettuce.

At the end of the film when Flor and Christina get on the bus to go home, the passengers are real people but as the scene ends the real people turn into mannequins.

When Flor is going up the stairs in the summer house after discussing with John with Cristina's help, and stops to continue talking to John, her hair changes from one shot to another.

Flor consistently speaks with a Castilian accent, not a Mexican one.

After Deborah comes in from running, she is in a sports bra and bike shorts.

When she climbs on top of John, you can clearly see that she still has her shorts on when they have sex.

Box Office

30 January 2005 USA USD 42,044,321
23 January 2005 USA USD 41,655,309
16 January 2005 USA USD 40,812,880
9 January 2005 USA USD 37,508,732
2 January 2005 USA USD 31,001,588
26 December 2004 USA USD 18,181,748
19 December 2004 USA USD 8,817,853
27 February 2005 UK GBP 308,414
19 December 2004 USA USD 8,817,853 2,438
27 February 2005 UK GBP 308,414 335
18 February 2005 Australia USD 749,560 205
1 April 2005 South Africa USD 129,994 35
30 January 2005 USA USD 210,110 259
23 January 2005 USA USD 521,623 680
16 January 2005 USA USD 2,020,734 1,662
9 January 2005 USA USD 4,251,776 2,587
2 January 2005 USA USD 6,183,965 2,489
26 December 2004 USA USD 4,641,492 2,441
19 December 2004 USA USD 8,817,853 2,438
27 February 2005 UK GBP 308,414 335


A woman (Paz Vega) and her daughter emigrate from Mexico for a better life in America, where they start working for a family where the patriarch (Adam Sandler) is a newly celebrated chef with an insecure wife (Tea Leoni).The biggest problem with this movie: Tea Leoni is a truly awful actress.

So much is wrong with this movie and I don't blame the cast because they all did a good job, it's the script that bothers me. Going into this, I expected it to be one of those non-formula Sandler pictures (no fart jokes, frequent outbursts, Rob Schneider, etc.

Note: My first Review. When Spanglish ended all I could think was...

Spanglish is an examination of Latino immigrants to the USA. Particularly one mother and her young daughter who arrive in the USA for a better life and their interaction with a rich American family.

Welcome back to another edition of Adam's Reviews!! **queue in intro music**Tonight's movie review is the family comedy drama Spanglish (2004) which is narrated by daughter's relationship with her mother from the time they emigrate from Mexico for a better life in America to her mother, Flor, working as maid who speaks no English, but has endeared herself to everyone in the household family including Adam Sandler's character, a celebrated chef with an insecure emotional wife, two children and his mother-in-law who has a drinking problem.

Spanglish (2004): Dir: James L. Brooks / Cast: Adam Sandler, Tea Leoni, Paz Vega, Cloris Leachman, Shelbie Bruce: Provocative drama about the collision of cultures.

I first saw this movie when it came out in 2004. I was only 15 and didn't quite get it.

As she runs, her black curls flowing in a stream of wild, uncontrolled tangles, she gasps for breath with every jolting step. Behind Flor, the blonde vixen casually jogs, her hair a tamed ponytail, not a strand of hair out of place or a movement of her body out of the ordinary for a jogger.
