Spider-Man (2002)


(68 votos)




While Norman Osborn is in the chamber, the electrode wires jump about between shots.

When the general is talking to Norman Osborn about the project being the creation of his predecessor, the background behind Norman changes from a wall with a railing above it, to him standing in front of the test chamber, between shots.

Mary Jane's jacket collar changes when she's talking to Peter outside the diner the first time.

After Peter clobbers Flash, a fat boy with glasses can be seen standing in shock at Peter's abilities, then clapping and smiling, then standing in shock again between shots.

When Spider-man swings MJ to safety and we see them swinging close-up, not only is MJ's hair blowing in the wrong direction, but Spider-man's head, neck and shoulders appear to be stiff as if it were a mannequin she is holding on to for the sake of the shot.

In the scene where Spiderman attacks the carjacker, the carjacker drops the gun.

Later on, in the wide shot, the gun can not be seen.

When Spider-Man is hit by the bomb at the end in the destroyed hospital, the Green Goblin comes down and rises his eye lids on his mask, "misery, misery, misery, that's all that you've chosen," Then in the next shot where he says "I offered you friendship and you spat in my face.

" The eye lids are closed, but when he is about to stab Spider-Man with the trident, the eye lids are opened, and when he is pushed onto the brick wall, they are closed, they stay closed the rest of the scene.

In the cafeteria after MJ slips on the spilled beverage on the floor, later when Peter gets up, the beverage is gone.

When Peter Parker is talking to Mr.

Jameson about the Green Goblin and the name "Green Goblin" is first suggested.

Jameson takes credit for the name and says something to the effect of "Call the Patent office, I want to copyright that name".

This is not factually correct.

The PTO (Patent and Trademark Office) deals exclusively in only Patents and Trademarks, NOT copyrights.

There is a separate and distinct Copyright Office which handles copyrights.

He should have said, "Call the copyright office" Mary Jane's hand disappears briefly from Peter's face at the cemetery.

Peter's hair in the cemetery scene In the scene with MJ in front of the spider cage, just prior to Peter being bitten, a spider on a thread can be seen just over Peter's right shoulder in the medium shots, and directly underneath the spot where he will be bitten.

It disappears in the final cut before closeup coverage begins.

Notice also that the focus changes on the background, indicating the use of different lenses or different spikes for the shots used.

While looking up at the balcony during the World Unity Festival, Peter's part in his hair changes as his spider sense first warns him of the Goblin.

When Norman and Peter talk before going into the science lab, the same girl with bright red hair and purple sweater walks by in different directions five times.

The hole which Spider-Man punches in the roof of a car disappears and reappears between shots.

A blonde woman walks past twice in the same direction when Peter finds out from Mary Jane that she is dating his best friend.

Norman's hand jumps on and off Peter's shoulder during the graduation ceremony.

The Green Goblin's arms are up, down, then up again between shots when he calls his jet glider.

The morning after the field trip, as Peter is following Mary Jane, we see the car that is going to pick her up drive past Peter.

When we switch to Peter's point of view, the car is nowhere to be seen.

Then we go back to Peter, the bus drives up, and the car suddenly appears.

When Peter wakes up after getting bitten he puts on his glasses and the entire screen become blurred not just the part looking through the glasses.

During the fight scene between Flash and Peter Parker, a girl standing next to MJ disappears and reappears several times between shots.

When Peter is fighting the carjacker in the warehouse, the thief drops his pistol to throw a knife at Peter, but when Peter thows him against the wall, the pistol is suddenly back in the car jacker's hand.

When Peter is talking with his uncle in the car the background is completely different than when he gets out of the car.

When Peter is talking to Mary Jane outside the diner, cars and a motorcycle that we see drive behind Mary Jane disappear when the shot cuts to Peter.

During the Thanksgiving dinner when everyone is seated at the table, MJ's arms jump about between shots.

In several scenes, the Green Goblin's mouth (which is visible through the mesh in the "mouth" of his mask) does not move while he is talking.

The right-handed Peter Parker always used an average right-handed camera, but in one take during the balcony scene, we see a reversed image of the scene and it appears that he is holding a left-handed camera.

When Peter is visiting Aunt May in the hospital, the sweater on the back of his chair changes position.

When smashing the Green Goblin against a wall during the final fight scene, the brick wall flexes noticeably.

When Spider-man's arm is cut during the fight with Green Goblin in the burning building the cut runs diagonally down his arm toward his thumb.

In the Thanksgiving dinner scene when Norman Osborn sees the wound it runs diagonally down his arm toward his little finger.

When Mary Jane is trapped on the balcony you can clearly see the metal mechanical supports that hold the wall.

During the World Unity Fair, Mary Jane is trapped on a piece of balcony that falls away, quite clearly hanging off and separated from the rest of the balcony.

However, after it cuts to Spider-man and back to her, the piece of balcony is attached and falls away a second time.

After Parker wakes up the morning after getting bitten, a boom mic is seen at the top of the mirror as he is looking at himself.

When Spider-Man first rescues Mary Jane at the Unity festival and swings her to safety, they are moving to the right but her hair is flowing that way, too, instead of blowing in Spider-Man's face.

When the Green Goblin is menacing him, Spider-Man's left eye cover, which had been torn off earlier in the fight, momentarily (re)appears, then is gone in the next shot.

The windows beneath the balcony at the World Unity Festival are destroyed by the Green Goblin's pumpkin bombs, but they are only on fire and not shattered when Spider-Man dives off the balcony to rescue Mary Jane.

During the World Unity Festival, when the Green Goblin throws his pumpkin bomb at the balcony full of board members, as the windows blow up, Harry can be seen running away from Mary Jane and toward the area he will later have his head hit.

In the next shot, Harry is seen still standing next to Mary Jane.

When Peter Parker looks up at the balcony where Mary Jane and Harry Osborn are standing during the World Unity Festival, he looks directly up from his position on the ground.

However, when Harry looks back down on the ground to see Peter Parker, he is looking towards his far left side.

While Mary Jane is talking to Peter Parker behind her parents' house, her trousers repeatedly move up, then down, then up again, hiding, then revealing her underwear.

When the Green Goblin is trying to stab Spider-Man with his Trident, one of its points bends.

When Spider-Man pulls the wall down over the Green Goblin, the wall is still in one piece, but in the next shot the wall has been broken up and the bricks cover the Green Goblin.

The tropical orange flowers behind Peter and Norman at the graduation scene are native to California and couldn't possibly survive in New York (although they could be fake).

On the morning Peter does a little web practice, he talks to his Aunt at the door.

After closing the door, we see that there are webs all over the room, even in the path he just walked to get to the door.

When Parker grabs Flash's arm during the school hall fight, his hand jumps from Flash's wrist to near his elbow between shots.

After depositing MJ on the green lawn at the church, Spider-man obviously jumps off of a mini trampoline over the hedge.

As MJ runs behind to follow, she clearly has to step around the mini trampoline to approach the hedge.

All evidence of the gigantic explosion the Green Goblin creates at the Queensboro Bridge disappears soon after the explosion occurs.

When Peter spills the tray of food on Flash and runs out of the cafeteria, Flash has food on his shirt.

Once in the hallway, the food disappears, reappears (but it's a smaller amount), and then disappears altogether.

When Spider-Man is learning to jump between buildings, his shoes change from dark shoes to the Nike sneakers he is shown wearing prior to testing his web skills.

When Peter boards the bus for the school field trip, the shots from inside the bus show a completely different background than we saw when he was waiting for the bus.

When Spider-Man is being announced at the wrestling arena, he is pushed from behind by a right hand, but in the next shot the stagehand is pushing him with his left.

Mary Jane opens her trench coat to reveal her uniform, but in the next shot (the front view) it is still closed.

At Columbia University, one of the two girls say "Hey MJ!", yet neither one's lips move.

When the Green Goblin says "Hello, my dear.

" to Mary Jane, he's clearly mouthing something else.

When MJ is attacked in the alley, Spider-Man throws two of the attackers through the windows behind her.

However, in the next shot of MJ the windows are whole again.

When Peter gets out of his uncle's car on the way to the fight, his uniform is visible poking out of his trousers.

A moment later, when he turns to go, it is no longer visible.

When Peter is practicing his jumping from building, he starts off holding the web with his left hand over his right.

When he smashes into the wall, his right hand is over his left.

When Peter Parker is looking in the mirror flexing his newly developed muscles, the hand of a crewmember is visible in the right-hand side of the mirror.

When Peter meets Mr.

Osborn for the first time in front of the museum, the people behind Peter on the steps change between shots.

People who are standing still disappear and re appear.

When Spider-Man and Green Goblin fight the amount of blood on Spider-Man's face changes.

At the Times Square battle, when Green Goblin grabs Spider-Man's hand and says, 'impressive' his mouth doesn't move but stays shut.

When Peter is testing is web slinging abilities he accidentally knocks over a green lamp breaking it.

In the next scene when Aunt May comes to the door the lamp is back again where it was originally.

When the Green Goblin removes his mask after the Roosevelt Island battle with Spider-Man, there is a small branch directly in front of his face.

In the next shot, the branch is gone.

When Parker and Bonesaw are wrestling in a cage match, the bars can be seen wobbling.

When Spider-Man is chasing the carjacker, a brief shot from the inside of a police car shows they are moving at only 15mph.

This is not nearly as fast as the obviously sped-up sequence leads us to believe.

When Peter gets bitten by the spider, the camera pans over to a tv screen showing the spider DNA.

You can see a camera man's head peek from behind the camera in the reflection MJ tells Peter in the cafeteria that she noticed his eyes are blue.

She says, "I didn't notice without your glasses.

" Clearly she meant she didn't notice his blue eyes when he had glasses.

During the parade attack sequence when MJ falls from the balcony she is first seen falling side-down.

As Spider-Man catches her she is falling face-down.

In the next shot, of Spider-Man about to catch her from above, she is on her side again.

At the World Unity Fair when MJ is on the balcony that is all tilted askew, the light pole on the railing disappears and reappears.

When Spider-Man jumps over the oncoming bladed glider, which hits the Goblin instead, the glider seems to hit at about stomach level and pin the Goblin to the wall.

But in the next shot, it is lower, seeming to have hit at groin level, to allow the Goblin to slump forward across the glider.

During the World Unity Fair sequence Times Square alternates between the real Times Square and the digitally altered one created for the movie.

The main difference is the signage (i.

the altered version doesn't have the gigantic Cup-O-Noodle sign).

The Cup-O-Noodle sign can be clearly seen twice, and the bottom of it a 3rd time.

First time when you first seen the Goblin flying in the distance, and the 2nd is during the shot from behind in when she flies past the Earth balloon before throwing the first bomb, the sign is on the left.

Then when Goblin is flying off, you see the bottom of it.

When Spider-Man fights the carjacker, they enter the building on the ground floor but then the carjacker trips and falls out what appears to be a 3rd story window even though neither of the two characters can be seen climbing to a higher level during any part of the fight sequence.

During the alleyway fight involving Mary Jane, Spider-man yanks all four men off of her with webbing.

The webbing is strong enough to drag them across the street, however when he hops down off the lamppost, all the webbing is gone.

When Peter smacks the food tray onto Flash's back, the tray hits Flash on his left side.

The stain from the food is shown on this side in differing sizes except for the moment Flash stands up and turns around, saying "Parker" - in which it is shown to be a huge stain on his right side.

During the World Unity Festival, when Peter Parker sees a huge piece of stone from the building falling rapidly, the camera shows a man and woman facing the camera and cowering.

In the next shot in which Peter uses his web slingers to pull the people to safety, they are shown standing up, looking straight up, with their backs to the camera.

During the field trip scene in the beginning of the movie, Harry, Peter, and Mr.

Osborn are talking outside the building, the students are walking up the stairs in the background during one shot and not in the background at all in the next.

Later they return in the background once again.

During the World Unity Festival, when Peter runs toward camera and unbuttons his shirt, the Spider-Man suit only extends to the top of his chest.

However, when he removes his mask during the Thanksgiving sequence, the costume clearly goes all the way to his neck.

The morning after the spider bite, Peter comes downstairs and startles his uncle.

Just before he does that, Uncle Ben can be seen holding a cup with both of his hands, yet in the next shot, he is holding it with just one hand.

He also pulls the cup away from his face "twice", once in each shot.

When Peter is testing out his newfound web powers in his room, he uses target practice to pick up a Dr.

Pepper can.

In two quick shots, we see his light bulb lamp is turned off; however, when he finally manages to hit the can, the light bulb lamp is turned on.

When Norman Osborn test the experimental nerve gas, we see him in front of the gas chamber with a naked chest.

In the next shot he's got tubes attached to his chest.

In the scene with the burning building, when the Green Goblin says "No-one says no to me!", you can see the camera in the reflection of his eyes.

At the World Unity Festival scene, a block of stone falls from the balcony and is headed for a man and his wife.

When they are shown flinching at the stone about to hit them, the man is on the left side of his wife.

When Peter spins his web onto them to save them, he is on the right.

When Peter is first becoming aware of his "spider sense" in school as Flash is approaching from behind, he sees a fly and a paper airplane moving in very slow motion.

The fly has two wings when in reality, flies have two sets of wings, the main wings plus a smaller "halter" wings underneath (to maintain balance in flight), for a total of four wings.

Several times, when Spider-Man speaks or even scream, his mouth/jaw does not move.

After the kiss, MJ tries to adjust the mask of Spider-Man, by pulling it up, of course.

But when the mask reaches the end of his mouth, Spider-Man launches his web to leave and the mask is magically adjusted.

When Peter Parker calls MJ on the phone and gets her answering machine, the Green Goblin answers and he taunts Peter calling him Spiderman.

This is all being recorded by the answering machine and MJ can listen to it and discover that Peter is Spiderman.

Goblin could have erased all messages after the call.

- PLOTThe day after Spider-Man first appears, Peter Parker is seen by his fellow students to spew strange webbing from his wrists and easily defeats the school bully.

Oddly enough, nobody seems to connect this with the appearance of Spider-Man.

In the World Unity Festival scene, Peter can be seen looking up at Harry and Mary Jane from the ground.

Harry then looks back at Peter clearly recognizing him.

Later in the scene when Mary Jane falls from the balcony, the balcony is much much higher than earlier when Harry looked down at Peter.

- PLOTWhen Peter is practicing his web-slinging in his room and catches the lamp to pull it towards him, it doesn't appear to move very fast off the chest and looks more likely to fall on the floor before the shot changes.

When it cuts to Peter, it speeds past his shoulder a lot faster to smash on the wall behind him.

Furthermore, Aunt May would have easily seen the amount of webbing all over the room through the gap in the door as she's talking to him.

When Peter realizes the gunman is the guy he let go at the wrestling arena, his flashbacks are very inconsistent to what really happened.

The gunman originally nodded his head very quickly and said thanks sounding out of breath.

In Peter's flashback, the gunman stands there and smiles and says thanks as the elevator doors close.

This is to show the difference between subjective and objective perspectives in people's memory.

In the final conflict, Spider-man tries to save both the falling children in the transportation device and Mary Jane all the children and the teachers are screaming.

However, one man inside with the children who either controls the device or is a fellow teacher seems somewhat relaxed as it is falling.

It is unlike that he would be so relaxed as it is falling while everyone is going crazy.

- PLOTIn the scene where Spider-man jumps on the car, there's an in-car shot of the carjacker firing up at the roof.

When the camera goes back to Spider-man on the roof of the car, the bullet hole switch position.

In fact, if the bullet holes had stayed in position, Spider-man would have been killed.

In several scenes newspapers are shown which contain a few words repeated over and over, instead of actual text.

This is an in-joke, as this is done frequently in comic books like the ones which inspired this movie.

We hear a dial tone coming from Harry's cell phone after Mary Jane hangs up.

Cell phone systems have no dial tone.

When Peter's uncle drops him off at the library, he parks on a one way street, but the reflection in the car's window shows traffic heading in the opposite direction.

Although Spider-Man is supposed to have perfect vision after his bite, 'Tobey Maguire' (qv)'s contact lenses are visible at various points throughout the movie.

Perhaps Peter Parker took to wearing "blank" contact lenses to account for the fact that he no longer needs to wear glasses.

But perhaps not.

During the science trip where Peter is bitten, Harry says that the microscope is the "largest electron microscope on the eastern seaboard".

However, the microscope images shown are taken from a phase contrast microscope not an electron microscope.

(Phase contrast gives less magnification but lets you work with live material, for example, the cell being manipulated in the image shown on the film).

The extras at Columbia University are wearing cold weather clothing, appropriate for the seasonal setting.

Students in the background wearing shorts and t-shirts blow the illusion and reveal that the scene was shot on a warm day.

When Mary-Jane is attacked in the rain in the alley Peter is shown running along the roof changing into his costume, you can clearly see he is already wearing his mask, but when he fights the thugs he has no mask.

When we see an exterior view of the Oscorp office building, just before Norman Osborn's meeting with the board, the main sign is for Oscorp.

However, at each corner of the building, the ING logo with its distinctive lion can clearly be seen.

When the car-jacker walks into the deserted warehouse, he has the gun in his left hand and the money bag under his right (flipped image).

Next cut is to him reloading, and the gun is back into his right hand.

Right before the Thanksgiving dinner, Spider-Man and the Goblin get in a fight in a burning building.

In the outside shots of the burning building, the green leaves on the trees clearly indicate that it is summer time in New York.

After the Thanksgiving dinner, Aunt May is attacked by the Goblin.

In the outside shots of her home, once again all the trees are green.

Peter won the Bonesaw wrestling match by knocking him out, but when the fight promoter stiffs him, the promoter claims he pinned him for the victory.

It is established that Peter is right-handed, but when he is designing his Spider-Man costume, there are two quick shots of him drawing with his left hand.

These shots are most likely flipped images as it would be strange for the actor to use both hands for drawing.

The action on the burglar's Berreta M92 doesn't go far enough back, indicating it is a 8mm blank gun.

In the bridge scene, after the Green Goblin destroys one of the stations, he flies down, grabs the wire for the cable car it and pulls it upwards with him to the top of the bridge.

However, despite that he's strong enough to hold it himself, the glider he's on barely has enough thrust to carry a humans weight on it, so the chances of it being able to fly upwards whilst holding onto a wire attached to a huge cable car is unlikely.

- PLOTAt the wrestling arena, you can see men putting giant chains and padlocks on to lock the cage, but when Spider-man is declared winner, the cage goes up and opens when no one has removed the padlocks.

When Spider-man catches the falling MJ from the balcony at Times Square, the first web he shoots in mid-air to swing away is directed at an angle impossible to grapple to any buildings in that area.

In the scene where Peter is walking behind Mary Jane, on the way to the bus, he stops and talks to himself.

over his left shoulder is a car parked, with a Massachusetts license plate.

Cars from many different states visit or pass through New York on a daily basis.

In the scene where Peter is trying to figure out how to shoot his web across to the crane, there is a billboard that says tune into 98.

In the United States, FM radio stations do not end in even numbers.

When Peter Parker gives chase to the gunman he believes shot his Uncle Ben, he wears the same outfit he wore when fighting Bonesaw.

Peter climbs a building and then jumps from building to building.

He winds up on a dome shaped roof and works up the nerve to web sling.

The figure shooting the web from that dome is Peter in his real Spider-man suit (he had not even invented this particular suit yet).

When Peter walks behind MJ on the street, the school bus turns the corner and approaches slowly in the background.

Ten seconds later, when the bus is shown a third time, however, it is still passing by the same vehicle.

When Flash tries to beat up Peter, a crowd of students gather around them.

When Peter knocks Flash down the hallway, though, those students have created an alley for Flash to fly through.

Given the superhuman speed with which Peter punched Flash, none of the students would have had time to step aside, anyway - they would simply have been bowled down.

When Peter smashes Ben's killer through the glass in the warehouse, the glass looks rubber-like.

In the scene after the Unity Day Festival fight, when Spider-Man drops off M.

in the roof-top garden a zipper can be seen lining the spine on the costume of Spider-Man when he flips off the roof.

Box Office

18 August 2002 USA USD 403,706,375
11 August 2002 USA USD 403,620,726
4 August 2002 USA USD 403,505,336
28 July 2002 USA USD 403,142,910
21 July 2002 USA USD 402,770,278
14 July 2002 USA USD 401,991,818
7 July 2002 USA USD 400,058,357
30 June 2002 USA USD 395,874,471
23 June 2002 USA USD 390,382,313
16 June 2002 USA USD 382,537,669
9 June 2002 USA USD 370,428,183
2 June 2002 USA USD 353,823,544
27 May 2002 USA USD 333,641,492
19 May 2002 USA USD 285,573,668
12 May 2002 USA USD 223,040,031
5 May 2002 USA USD 114,844,116
6 October 2002 UK GBP 28,591,639
29 September 2002 UK GBP 28,525,346
22 September 2002 UK GBP 28,379,786
15 September 2002 UK GBP 28,177,829
8 September 2002 UK GBP 27,918,647
18 August 2002 UK GBP 27,529,785
11 August 2002 UK GBP 27,433,186
4 August 2002 UK GBP 27,216,213
28 July 2002 UK GBP 26,868,674
21 July 2002 UK GBP 26,266,787
14 July 2002 UK GBP 25,330,824
7 July 2002 UK GBP 23,812,703
30 June 2002 UK GBP 20,953,100
23 June 2002 UK GBP 16,562,565
16 June 2002 UK GBP 9,426,969
15 September 2002 Worldwide USD 399,200,000
11 August 2002 Worldwide USD 387,700,000
21 July 2002 Worldwide USD 361,000,000
14 July 2002 Worldwide USD 346,200,000
2002 Worldwide USD 821,708,551
2002 Non-USA USD 418,002,176
23 July 2002 Argentina USD 2,196,559
16 July 2002 Argentina USD 2,156,685
9 July 2002 Argentina USD 2,125,486
2 July 2002 Argentina USD 2,048,956
25 June 2002 Argentina USD 1,958,308
18 June 2002 Argentina USD 1,854,442
11 June 2002 Argentina USD 1,670,870
4 June 2002 Argentina USD 1,496,236
28 May 2002 Argentina USD 1,264,468
21 May 2002 Argentina USD 821,693
Denmark DKK 24,524,000
3 July 2002 Hong Kong HKD 28,566,325
27 July 2002 India USD 4,625,000
20 July 2002 India USD 3,856,000
13 July 2002 India USD 3,596,000
11 July 2002 India USD 4,708,500
4 July 2002 India USD 4,687,500
9 November 2003 Italy EUR 19,275,524
30 November 2002 Italy EUR 19,273,265
1 September 2002 Italy EUR 19,170,757
25 August 2002 Italy EUR 19,082,579
18 August 2002 Italy EUR 18,903,791
4 August 2002 Italy EUR 18,048,718
28 July 2002 Italy EUR 17,964,073
21 July 2002 Italy EUR 17,414,158
14 July 2002 Italy EUR 16,895,898
7 July 2002 Italy EUR 16,059,181
30 June 2002 Italy EUR 15,004,581
23 June 2002 Italy EUR 13,254,769
16 June 2002 Italy EUR 10,823,111
9 June 2002 Italy EUR 5,645,085
Netherlands EUR 4,209,717
22 June 2004 Philippines PHP 195,647,321
29 September 2002 Philippines USD 3,000,000
11 May 2002 Philippines USD 232,000
11 May 2002 Philippines USD 2,320,000
2002 Romania USD 201,644
4 August 2002 Russia USD 3,517,634
13 June 2002 Singapore SGD 5,185,936
Singapore SGD 5,197,082
10 July 2003 Spain EUR 22,635,501
31 March 2003 Spain EUR 22,627,906
10 February 2003 Spain EUR 22,577,672
18 August 2002 Spain EUR 22,250,380
4 August 2002 Spain EUR 21,485,985
28 July 2002 Spain EUR 20,825,776
21 July 2002 Spain EUR 19,823,870
14 July 2002 Spain EUR 18,321,160
7 July 2002 Spain EUR 15,784,500
30 June 2002 Spain EUR 12,051,760
23 June 2002 Spain EUR 5,014,690
5 May 2002 USA USD 114,844,116 3,615
16 June 2002 UK GBP 9,426,969 509
21 May 2002 Argentina USD 802,032 81
7 June 2002 Austria USD 1,142,831
28 June 2002 Belgium USD 921,048
2 August 2002 Brazil USD 130,613 136
3 May 2002 Canada CAD 11,885,846 245
7 June 2002 Europe USD 15,745,021 1671
28 June 2002 Finland USD 376,197
14 June 2002 France USD 9,841,880
7 June 2002 Germany USD 8,243,551
7 June 2002 Iceland USD 6,508
10 June 2002 Italy EUR 5,645,085 580
9 June 2002 Italy EUR 5,641,965 500
7 July 2002 Netherlands EUR 1,175,000 128
28 June 2002 Spain USD 3,301,467
23 June 2002 Spain EUR 5,014,690 512
28 June 2002 Sweden USD 607,909
7 June 2002 Switzerland USD 1,335,356
18 August 2002 USA USD 67,390 74
11 August 2002 USA USD 84,383 85
4 August 2002 USA USD 234,714 228
28 July 2002 USA USD 251,065 177
21 July 2002 USA USD 403,186 265
14 July 2002 USA USD 890,372 574
7 July 2002 USA USD 2,204,636 1,502
30 June 2002 USA USD 3,130,214 1,810
23 June 2002 USA USD 4,555,932 2,278
16 June 2002 USA USD 7,515,984 2,702
9 June 2002 USA USD 10,311,062 3,235
2 June 2002 USA USD 14,317,411 3,646
27 May 2002 USA USD 35,814,844 3,876
19 May 2002 USA USD 45,036,912 3,615
12 May 2002 USA USD 71,417,527 3,615
5 May 2002 USA USD 114,844,116 3,615
6 October 2002 UK GBP 48,213 188
29 September 2002 UK GBP 121,770 268
22 September 2002 UK GBP 173,489 289
15 September 2002 UK GBP 219,461 301
8 September 2002 UK GBP 272,186 305
18 August 2002 UK GBP 31,856 90
11 August 2002 UK GBP 91,856 147
4 August 2002 UK GBP 135,983 216
28 July 2002 UK GBP 200,633 308
21 July 2002 UK GBP 508,899 366
14 July 2002 UK GBP 689,000 433
7 July 2002 UK GBP 1,452,348 490
30 June 2002 UK GBP 2,605,993 507
23 June 2002 UK GBP 4,255,920 509
16 June 2002 UK GBP 9,426,969 509
23 July 2002 Argentina USD 39,874 87
16 July 2002 Argentina USD 31,199 66
9 July 2002 Argentina USD 76,540 97
2 July 2002 Argentina USD 90,638 115
25 June 2002 Argentina USD 103,866 135
18 June 2002 Argentina USD 183,572 136
11 June 2002 Argentina USD 174,634 136
4 June 2002 Argentina USD 231,768 81
28 May 2002 Argentina USD 442,775 81
21 May 2002 Argentina USD 802,032 81
3 May 2002 Canada CAD 11,885,846 245
27 July 2002 India USD 250,000
20 July 2002 India USD 260,000
13 July 2002 India USD 242,000
11 July 2002 India USD 21,000
4 July 2002 India USD 62,500
1 September 2002 Italy EUR 32,412 16
25 August 2002 Italy EUR 70,908 46
18 August 2002 Italy EUR 95,153 96
4 August 2002 Italy EUR 96,743 104
28 July 2002 Italy EUR 198,622 133
21 July 2002 Italy EUR 254,398 166
14 July 2002 Italy EUR 553,819 193
7 July 2002 Italy EUR 547,452 255
30 June 2002 Italy EUR 924,624 328
23 June 2002 Italy EUR 1,221,843 480
17 June 2002 Italy EUR 2,327,068
16 June 2002 Italy EUR 2,327,068 500
10 June 2002 Italy EUR 5,645,085 580
18 August 2002 Spain EUR 120,710
4 August 2002 Spain EUR 304,154 226
28 July 2002 Spain EUR 441,679 283
21 July 2002 Spain EUR 780,840
14 July 2002 Spain EUR 1,429,240 460
7 July 2002 Spain EUR 1,997,910 514
30 June 2002 Spain EUR 3,712,900 514
23 June 2002 Spain EUR 5,014,690 512
