Spies (1928)


(31 votos)



"Spies" runs for 3.5 minutes, is in black-and-white, directed by Chuck Jones and voice acting comes from Mel Blanc.

What a hoot! As the other comments have pointed out, this movie has everything and then some.

The powerful criminal and leader of a spy ring Haghi (Rudolf Klein- Rogge) uses his spies that are infiltrated everywhere including in the secret service in attempts to steal documents from the French Embassy in Shanghai and from the Minister of Trade that is murdered. The press questions and mocks the officials in charge of security of state and the efficient Agent No.

"Spione" or "Spies" is another Fritz Lang silent film from over 85 years ago. It is of course as always with him still in black-and-white and runs for no less than 145 minutes.

Fritz Lang's silent crime thriller pits a government agent (Willy Fritsch) against a scheming international banker who is stealing government documents. Considered an overlooked, but crucial part of Lang's impressive canon and an important influence on the thrillers of Alfred Hitchcock; it does have some first-rate cutting and painterly images of the city's dense layering.

This is a fairly interesting and extremely well made spy film from Germany. It is interesting to see the German secret service as the good guys as well as the Japanese Secret service to a lesser extent.

Spies (1943) ** 1/2 (out of 4)The third film in the War Department's attempt to teach soldiers certainly lessons. Sprivate Snafu is trained on what one shouldn't do because you never know where spies might be listening.

Shortly after finding out about the excellent UK DVD company Masters of Cinema,I discovered that they had put a rarely mentioned title from auteur film maker Fritz Lang out in an uncut version.Searching round,I was disappointed to find that the DVD was out of print,and going for silly money.

One of the best Private Snafu shorts. These cartoons were made for use by the U.
