Storming Juno
Storming Juno (2010)

Storming Juno

(59 votos)




I noticed that both other reviewers took the typical Canadian position to downplay our accomplishments, particularly those of our military, therefore, I choose to give this production 10 out of 10 if for no other reason than to simply say Thank You to the men of our forces, past and present.Although it was a re-enactment of Canada's part in the D-Day landings, it was a factual telling of the experiences of 3 men doing completely different jobs on June 5/6 of 1944.

Everybody knows about Omaha Beach on D Day, the Sixth of June, 1944, because that was where the landings were truly blunted. But we don't hear much about the landings by the Canadians are Juno Beach, just down the road.

There have been some excellent canadian films recently about this country's contribution to various wars. Assault on Juno (2010) is something not to be missed.

Just caught this on DVD.Considering the sparsity of movies recreating Canada's contribution to World War II, this production is a fair retelling of D-Day's Juno beach landings.

*may contain spoilers* I saw this show at Costco the other day. I'm a sucker for WW2 movies, and when I realized it was a Canadian production, I picked it up.

Dedicate yourself to viewing a war film or documentary over the course of the Sept 11th Remembrance Holiday W/E. Canada is a modest nation in terms of population, temperament and the size of our film and doc industry.

I found this movie while at Huno Beach in France, and I am a sucker for movies like this, so I picked it up. I must say, it is very well done.

Canadian troops storm Juno Beach on D-Day. This is more History channel than a narrative movie.
