Tall Girl
Tall Girl (2019)

Tall Girl

(17 votos)



This is a movie about a teenage girl and teen love and all the rest of it, it's that simple.However I can't actually believe it's supposed to be New Orleans as there's a lack of African Americans.

Before my actual review, I dont actually understand all the negativty around this movie. Yes there are some querks and yes the film plot is very unrealistic framing swedes as a pretty silly stereotype.

I'm not in the mood to write in full sentences for this review, so I'll stick with key words and phrases, which is all this film deserves (or contains).

This movie did not seem to achieve what it had aimed for. They made 6'1 seem weirdly tall, when in reality there are many people at that height.

Yeah I get it, being different can really suck. But here's the thing.

I like the concept of the movie but some of the execution is not of my liking and I think the directing could do better, please take this as a compliment. I mean most of the script was charming but these very odd/unorthodox ideas like the tall club thing that was I suppose to be where the father would have a moment with her daughter mixed up with the directing would hope for a pinch of comedy because the actor who played as the father of Jodi is seen in at many comedy films.

She's only six one and everyone is a whole head shorter that her and she is treated like a social outcast.

I was glad that she actually ended up with the guy that had loved her for years. I was glad to see that even though he was much shorter than she was, he was secure enough in who he was to not care that she was taller.

People who are slagging this off seem to forget that this is aimed towards kids/young adults. My kids enjoyed it.
