The Best Offer
The Best Offer (2013)

The Best Offer

(10 votos)



Geoffrey Rush's layered, dominant performance is the thematic and emotional crux of this very dense but mesmerising thriller. In one of his best performances, he plays his character Virgil Oldman with theatrical notes, making the auctioneer an impatient and callous man, who is suffering from rhypophobia.

This is a movie worth watching, for its nice imagery, some good performances and its lyrical yet eery music of veteran composer Ennio Morricone.It's about an eccentric art auctioneer (Geoffrey Rush) who slowly falls in love with a mysterious girl (Sylvia Hoeks), who lives isolated in a villa in beautiful Italy.

Well Geoffrey Rush does it again - this time without a stammer in fact with impeccable English style. He really makes this movie a classic and I'd love to see how he sounds in Italian.

To me this was a sleeper of a movie I knew nothing of the content before going so I was swept up in plot and therefore was surprised by the outcome. I did not anticipate all that would happen.

What a superb movie! Went to the movies today with little expectations, other than I would be seeing something 'classier' than the normal fare.

I loved the show. It had a great deal of drama, suspense, intrigue and a tantalizing whiff of the supernatural.

Certainly not your every day movie. This story pulls you in from the very beginning.

For the most part, this is a mystery/romance story, but it takes a sharp twist towards the end and some confusion follows. It's difficult to describe without entering spoiler territory, but there you are.

The idea is wonderful, the photography and music just what they should be, so why isn't this the best film of the decade? Two reasons.
