The First Purge
The First Purge (2018)

The First Purge

(55 votos)



This movie sets the stage for the show. It speaks to so much happening today.

None of the sequels have been very good and this is perhaps the worst- maybe. The only saving grace is the brawny Y'lan Noel who has action star written all over him.

The worst of all. Very racist.

I actually enjoyed the original The Purge movie so I thought it might be interesting to watch this one but I was wrong. Using the purge as its base is always an interested premise but it tried way too hard to stuff a bunch of racial tension nonsense in it and a bunch of horribly dumb decisions and poor acting until it ultimately devolved into some sort of Die Hard in the projects situation...

In the movie all white people are bad and black people are incapable of success unless they deal drugs and the rest need to survive on government handouts that are only paid to them if they commit crimes. Racist trash!

I found this Purge prequel to be one of the more entertaining films in the franchise. Growing up in The Bronx, New York it was refreshing to see a horror movie take place in the projects (of Staten Island), as opposed to the usual suburbs we see in most horror films.

I have every purge movie and have watched every single one at least twice and this is another ill be adding to the collection. Everyone complaining are just sooking because of the whole black and white comparison in this movie when really i enjoyed it and based in "ghetto" area i think it fits well with the blacks fighting back.

Not sure if people are getting really high before watching this but its definitely not a 1, it's average and I'll tell you why.Acting: Not that bad, incredibly cringy with the scarred psycho character and with all the "hood talk" but other than that it was decent.

HORRIBLE script. GOD AWFUL casting.
