The Fourth Protocol
The Fourth Protocol (1987)

The Fourth Protocol

(89 votos)




The van's blue number plate gets smashed when trying to escape the traffic jam, yet is intact later.

Reflected in the side of the blue van when it is driving off road.

During the film, a KGB agent is said to be traveling by rail from London to Colchester, yet he is shown catching a train from St Pancras Station, which serves the Midlands region of England.

The only way to travel by train from London to Colchester (which is in East Anglia) is from Liverpool Street Station.

As the van pulls out of the traffic it has no number plate, then as it rides down the hill a smashed one is visible on the front bumper.

In the NCO club, a US Air Force Chief Master Sargent is standing behind Ross with his hat on.

When indoors and in uniform military members are required to remove their hats (except for armed guards and other special conditions).

In most on-base clubs, this breach of protocol would require the offender to buy a round for the house.

The helicopter seen at the KGB camp at the beginning of the film is the French Aérospatiale Gazelle, a helicopter never used by any Soviet (or Russian) military or civilian organization.

Soviet officers have got the wrong tabs on greatcoat lapels - black with no goldish frames.

They also have service caps with the wrong cap bands - made of black plastic instead of goldish cords.

Soviet officers wear service caps instead of fur-caps in winter, which is obvious uniform rules violation.

When Irina is first seen dead in the bath, her eyes are closed.

Later she is seen again, several times and her eyes are clearly open.

The armorer only loaded one blank into Ross's pistol before he shoots Irina in bed after their tryst, as the slide is seen to lock back on firing, indicating a now empty magazine.

Valeri and Irina assemble the bomb with their bare hands.

Irrespective of the radiation risk, uranium is highly toxic by skin contact - they would both have become very seriously ill shortly afterwards.

When Michael Caine decks the two punks on the train for their racist behavior, look closely as the train pulls into the station.

On the left of the screen seen through the train window is the roundel sign for ALDWYCH (which is probably where it was shot).

As he leaves the train, the sign suddenly changes to PADDINGTON.

When Valeri Petrofsky is driving down a country lane in a blue ford, the crew/equipment in front of it can be seen on the reflection on the front of the car.

Box Office

USA USD 12,423,831


The Fourth Protocol is a good movie, but Michael Kane make it awesome! The Fourth Protocol has strong story of a rouge K G B element plans to set off a nuclear device by a US Airbase in England.

Very enjoyable with great cast. Michael Caine is almost Harry Palmer again and there are some famous names amongst the support.

The usual Forsryth standard - supreme suspense all the way, with excellent performances by Michael Caine and Pierce Brosnan,,especially by the latter, as a very hard-boiled Russian agent with no scruples at all to kill anybody, very much like the jackal type. The direction is also flawless, as the story and script couldn't be better, the director just has to follow suit.

The film differs from the book in that the crazy right wing politics is left out. (The labour party is not filled with communists.

A Brit agent, MichaelCaine, suspects something big is being smuggled into England, and his guess is accurate, as he discovers an atomic bomb delivery, putting the world in nuclear jeopardy. The nasty plot is supervised by Russian agent Pierce Brosnan, a totally dedicated undercover officer assisted by a Russkie engineer : Joanna Cassidy.

Michael Caine: "We wound up with a wordy action movie which, although it was quite a good picture, and did fair business, never had the speed and pace of the best American action movies. So for long sequences in the film, we not only had a talking picture, but a lot of talk, and even worse, most of it unintelligible.

I wonder if Kim Philby was ever informed that this fanciful Frederick Forsyth adaptation begins with a scene depicting him being shot in the head? Whatever.

"The Fourth Protocol" is an entertaining movie with a good cast. Michael Caine is especially good, with his light hearted humour as always, and he plays a genuine performance!

This is a standout film of the cold war era. It has a well written plot.
