The Incredible Melting Man
The Incredible Melting Man (1977)

The Incredible Melting Man

(40 votos)




While the Melting Man is creeping around, the sunlight changes between shots from late sundown to mid-afternoon, and then immediately to the middle of the night.

Two different Saturn rockets with two entirely different payload configurations are used for the launch sequence at the end of the movie.

Saturn is a gas giant and has no surface to speak of, just millions of square miles of clouds.

This means it is literally impossible for a spacecraft to land there.

Saturn's rings are composed of icy debris.

A spacecraft flying through them would more than likely be smashed apart long before a mysterious phenomenon could cause its crew to melt.

Sheriff Blake only has a revolver when he talks to the bums along the railroad and then, minutes later, he also has a shotgun.

When the nurse enters the room of the melting man, she drops the blood containers and it splatters her shoes; then, as she runs away down the hallway, her shoes are completely clean.

During the hillside photo shoot, the actor's finger is nowhere near the shutter release, but the sound effect of an auto advance continues throughout the scene.


This is possibly the worst waste of film I have ever seen at least in the top five of total inane garbage. The "acting",for lack of a better term, is stiff,emotionless, and on par with some of the worst B grade horror movies of the 50's.

For connoisseurs of the incredibly terrible. A quick 10 point guide to what you can expect.

The Incredible Melting Man is written and directed by William Sachs. It stars Alex Rebar, Burr DeBenning and Myron Healey.

Watch it for the gory practical effects. Laugh at the terrible plot, acting and script.

This film looks, every bit, like a polished, seasoned TV production company produced a science fiction film about a lost astronaut, inflicted with a terrible condition, wandering around the hills of southern California, as his friends try to save him. Then, Moe, Larry, Curly and Freddy Krueger came in and made another movie.

I only saw this movie because back in 1977 my Mom said I couldn't...Turns out I didn't miss much, but I also didn't expect much.

Just saw this on Blu-Ray. It's true.

This movie is pretty bad but the funny comments in the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 version will make it more enjoyable to watch. A couple of scenes are funny by themselves though, like the acting or lack thereof of Burr DeBenning.

I can watch a good gory film now and then. I've seen some pretty sick stuff.
