The Invention of Lying
The Invention of Lying (2009)

The Invention of Lying

(12 votos)




In the funeral parlor, Anna takes Mark's hand, and the position of her other hand changes between shots.

Before, her free hand is beside her leg.

After, her free hand is on top of her leg.

In the bar scene, there is a full glass of beer in front of Mark.

When the camera cuts to the bartender then back to Mark, his beer glass is near empty, now accompanied by several empty shot glasses.

During Anna's first date with Mark, as she's talking with her mother on her cell phone, her phone jumps from her left to right hand and then back again.

Even though Anna can't lie, on her date with Mark she fakes a smile a couple of times.

In the scene where Mark is trying to withdraw his money from the bank and system is on again, the bank teller says she can now access his account, but you can clearly see on her screen that she has already been looking at it.

During Anna's first date with Mark, the waiter brings her a margarita and mentions he had a sip from it.

The glass is about half full.

In the next shot with the margarita it is almost completely full.

When Anna and Brad toast in the restaurant, Anna's glass is on the table in the foreground of shots of Brad while she is holding the glass in her hand.

Although lying does not exist, it is obvious that crime does, given Mark's father's depicted history as being a burglar.

The policeman is able to commit and continue committing the act of taking a bribe, so long as he is not questioned about whether or not he is doing so by a superior or a fellow officer, as then and only then he would be in a position where he would have to tell the truth.

When Greg and Mark are being pulled over by the motorcycle cop, the rearward shot clearly shows that they are on a 4 lane street with buildings on each side, and he stops in the left lane near the center line.

But in the remainder of the scene they are stopped in the right lane of a long bridge.

Also, the lights on the police motorcycle are still flashing as the officer walks up to confront the driver of the car.

Later in the scene, the lights on the motorcycle are not on anymore.

'John Hodgman' (qv), as the "Wedding Overseer" looks to be wearing a crucifix.

However, upon close examination, it is actually a likeness of Mark holding the "two pizza boxes", matching the image behind the "Wedding Overseer".

When the Blonde lies on the bed in the hotel room, where Mark has brought her, we see her belt unbuckled and stretched out on each side of her.

In the very next shot, it is buckled again.

The establishing shot for the motel where Mark brings the Blonde ('Stephanie March (I)' (qv)) shows a one-story building with red doors, but when he leaves, the door is black and numbered "222".

When Mark exits his car when the mob is formed around his house; his seat belt automatically moves up the side of the car, but in the next shot he exits the car without trouble and his seat belt is in the original down position as it would be when he is driving.

- PLOTAlthough there is no religion in any form and therefore were no gods, Mark states that the aliens in his screenplay were from Mars, which would obviously have a different name because Mars (the Roman god of war) would have never been made up.

When the policeman pulls Greg out of the car, you can see that the car is equipped with automatic seat belts, and at no point can you see that the lap belt is buckled.

Therefore Greg could be easily pulled out of the car as the shoulder belt retracts, which is shown when the door opens.

- PLOTThe world depicted in the movie uses the same dating system as we do - for example 'Napoléon Bonaparte' (qv) invaded Russia in 1812.

But since there is no concept of religion, and therefore no Jesus Christ, what are they counting from? Furthermore, Napoleon's rise to power (in our world) was enabled by military disinformation (lying to confuse the enemy during wartime), and religious propaganda via the French Catholic Church, so how (in the movie's world) could he have invaded Russia in the first place?.

Box Office

13 December 2009 USA USD 18,439,082
6 December 2009 USA USD 18,401,364
29 November 2009 USA USD 18,339,593
15 November 2009 USA USD 18,098,091
8 November 2009 USA USD 17,946,114
25 October 2009 USA USD 16,956,375
18 October 2009 USA USD 15,497,164
11 October 2009 USA USD 12,295,868
4 October 2009 USA USD 7,027,472
25 October 2009 UK GBP 5,538,932
18 October 2009 UK GBP 4,847,173
11 October 2009 UK GBP 3,783,782
4 October 2009 UK GBP 1,735,326
4 October 2009 USA USD 7,027,472 1,707
4 October 2009 UK GBP 1,735,326 368
13 December 2009 USA USD 21,557 68
6 December 2009 USA USD 37,456 103
29 November 2009 USA USD 68,023 136
15 November 2009 USA USD 76,892 119
8 November 2009 USA USD 181,643 235
25 October 2009 USA USD 839,209 802
18 October 2009 USA USD 1,907,398 1,624
4 October 2009 USA USD 7,027,472 1,707
25 October 2009 UK GBP 362,760 307
18 October 2009 UK GBP 589,914 367
4 October 2009 UK GBP 1,735,326 368


The Invention of Lying is a modern parable of the sins of human nature and the vices of modern Society, written, directed and lead by English comedian Ricky Gervais.The movie departs from a similar point as "Lier Lier" did, but explores subjects in a deeper and complex way, moving from a personal extravagant experience to the social one.

This Ricky Gervais apparently opened to "hostile"audiences in the USA. Not really hard to understand why, when a great deal of yanks lack irony, and wit as key components of their genetic make-up.

Don't listen to the bad reviews... when you REALLY think about this piece and all that it has to offer...

First off, it looses marks for having Louis C.K.

This movie is awesome if you are openminded... If you are religious this will probarbly make you angry and feel stupid.

(May control spoilers)I have finally seen this movie. It took me awhile because, quite frankly, I forgot about it.

A little heavy on the blasphemy... We all get it Ricky: You don't believe in God...

It's good. Really cute but really mellow without getting too much into the logistics of the idea or making it as convoluted a story as possible.

I'm so confused about that movie. It's like unfinished.
