The Journey of Natty Gann
The Journey of Natty Gann (1985)

The Journey of Natty Gann

(53 votos)




When Wolf disappears into the woods and Natty has no choice but to run after the speeding train (where Harry is already on board), a camera operator's lower body can be seen sitting on a board that seems to be attached to the side of the train.

The story takes place in 1935, but in the scene where Natty finds the puppy behind the cinema, the movie poster behind her is for "The Buccaneer" (the name of the film star, Fredric March, can be seen in the close up), which was released in 1938.

Natty's hat falls off while fighting with Frankie near the beginning of the film.

In the next shot, it's back on her head.

After Sol tops off his first tree, he puts his axe on the top.

He then climbs up to sit on the top, but the axe has disappeared.

The steam locomotives seen in the film have distinctly Canadian vestibule-style cabs.

When Natty jumps from the water tower to the moving train, she spills water on Harry and the contents of the freight car.

Both Harry and the car are dry a few seconds later, when the wolf joins them.

Box Office

USA USD 2,135,577


Wholesome, charming and touching. Great film.

Watching any five minutes of this film you would be enough to recognise it as a Disney production. If you want to watch a good old fashioned boy with dog , or in this case girl with wolf, film, then you could do no better than this.

Good movie but there is definitely some elements of this that wouldn't be ok with parents today. The attempted molestation of the main character, some animal cruelty and subtle violence.

I got this movie out for the family, and yes there are unsettling bits in it, vis - the dog fight, the abuse, the orphanage, the tree scene, when you think about it probably the whole film. And why is that?

My father wrote this script in 1982 and pitched it to a development executive at Disney. In his version, most of the story was the same, with the difference that the girl who dressed as a boy and rode the boxcars in the 1930s was running away from her father, not to him.

This movie was a bore. A young teenage girl is trying to cross the country from Chicago to Washington state to reunite with her father and she faces all kinds of travails.

This movie stuck with me as a kid - maybe I saw myself in her - I was a brunette tomboy that wanted to run away - but over the years when I've happened across it, I still find it enjoyable and moving. I still cry and her excited and it's aged well.

The Journey of Natty GannThe bond between dogs and women took longer because wolves wouldn't get into designer purses.Mind you, the tomboy in this adventure is more likely to be carrying around a bindle.

When I saw Meredith Salenger in the Title role of (The Journey of) Natty Gann as a TV Movie shortly after it was made I literally fell in love with her and I've followed her career ever since. She played a child a few years younger than her true age - she was 15 playing a 12 year old I believe but was able to carry it off quite easily due to her ultra slim figure and being small for her age.
