The Silence of the Lambs
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

The Silence of the Lambs

(12 votos)




Nearly all the vehicles used in the film have inspection stickers in their windshield indicating registration in Pittsburgh, PA, where none of the action in the film takes place.

Jack Crawford's collar pops in and out of his vest during a conversation with Clarice Starling.

The killer looks right into the headlights of Catherine Martin's car with his night-vision goggles on when she drives into the parking area and is not blinded.

In fact, goggles at the timeframe of this movie might have been permanently damaged.

Newer goggles do have automatic protection mechanisms.

Customs has a record of Buffalo Bill bringing the moths, found only in Asia, from Suriname, in South America.

But he may have used a re-shipper to disguise the origins of the shipment.

Gumb's basement, while larger than the "red herring" house in Illinois, is proportional to his house in Ohio.

As Hannibal escapes, he kicks the cell door onto the guard, causing the door to be in between Hannibal and the guard.

Yet in the very next shot, the guard is right in front of Hannibal so he can bite him.

When the cop holding the flowers is at the front door of the house in Illinois, shadows change direction on the doorframe between shots.

The red herring house is supposed to be in Calumet City, Illinois, and in the background, mountains can be seen.

There are no mountains near Calumet City.

At the end of the film when Hannibal is telling Clarice about having "an old friend for dinner" a camera crew can is reflected in Hannibal's sunglasses.

When Clarice is talking to Buffalo Bill in his back room, a moth is filmed landing on a cotton reel.

After the moth has settled, a thread is visible attached to it.

Presumably the shot was filmed in reverse, and the moth 'yanked' off the reel.

When Clarice is researching Lecter in Quantico by reading old newspaper articles on microfilm, the same text regarding developments at some vague governmental conference appears over and over again surrounding the Lecter articles in all four separate newspapers she views.

The plane carrying agents to Calumet City banks over mountainous terrain, resembling nothing in the vicinity of northern Indiana When the FBI team is preparing to deliver the flowers, the ribbon is on both the upper and lower sections of the box.

In the next shot, the ribbon appears only on the upper section of the box.

When Clarice is interviewing Lecter, one of the padlocks on his cell door goes from locked to unlocked between scenes.

At the end of the movie, when Clarice Starling is searching Buffalo Bill's basement, she approaches a door with the doorknob on her right, indicating it would open to her left.

When we see the door open from the opposite side, it opens to her right.

While standing in the first victim's sewing room, Clarice recalls the diamond shaped pieces of skin removed from the girl found in the river, which she realizes resemble darts that are commonly used to reduce fabric bulk in the waistline, making a garment more fitted.

The problem is, the dart shapes cut from the skin resemble the part of the fabric that is wasted, the unwanted pieces.

It is a 'negative' of what this killer would have wanted to keep, if he were making himself a garment.

The killer would never have wanted those skin items.

Later it shows him sewing on one end, single thickness.

He's not sewing anything to anything else, and he's using a piece that is typically cut off and discarded in the process of real garment construction.

Although a human skin garment is implied, most of the examples of sewing are factually erroneous as viewed by anyone experienced in tailoring.

The ring of sweat on Clarice's sweatshirt as she is running on the Quantico course in the beginning of the movie covers her body almost from shoulder to shoulder.

When she gets called into Crawford's office, it is significantly smaller.

As the forensics come to take photos of the victim's body, the "corpse" visibly blinks as the hands touch its face.

In the final phone call, as Lecter says "I have no plans to call on you, Clarice.

The world's more interesting with you in it", his facial movements don't match the spoken words.

When Sgt.

Pembry is preparing to handcuff Dr.

Lecter to the bars of his cell while bringing in his requested second supper, he has him sit with his back to the bars and his arms thrust behind him in order secure the shackles.

In this scene it is apparent that Dr Lecter has been waiting for a fair amount of time between his first meal and his second serving because we see his drawings and magazines spread over the entire desktop surface.

A closeup of the Drs arms, however, reveal that the cuffing procedure must have been repeated several time during the filming process in order to get a good take as there are already red, discolored areas on actor 'Anthony Hopkins (I)' (qv)' wrists from the multiple donning and shedding of the handcuffs before they are even applied in film.

West Virginia State Police uniforms are not brown as shown in the movie.

The uniforms are Forest Green and have been that way since the early 1900's.

Also the WV State Police vehicles are not Grey as shown in the movie, they are Blue with Old Gold and the State Seal is the emblem on the door.

The WV DPS (State Police) were originally asked by the director to have some of the Troopers in the movie, but he did not like the colors of their uniforms and when he requested they change to the Brown uniforms, the Troopers rightfully refused and left the movie set with their cruisers and proper uniforms.

The moth found "behind the soft palate of a murder victim" is identified by the biologist as Acherontia styx, the deaths-head moth, however the moth used in the poster is actually Acherontia atropos, also known as the deaths-head moth.

(There is a third deaths-head moth called Acherontia lachesis.

) While A.

styx is native to Asia, as identified by the biologist, A.

atropos is native to the Middle East and Mediterranean.

After Hannibal escapes from his temporary cell in Memphis, the police have who they believe to be Dr Lecter, cornered, injured and unconscious, on the top of an elevator.

When the officer is told to shoot him, non-lethally, in order to determine whether he is alive or not, he wounds him with his police issued 9MM handgun in the back of the knee.

Since the body showed no reaction to the shot, this person was ultimately determined to be dead.

However, this shot was also revealing in that it showed that the movie makers used a dummy or a very low-yield explosive "squib" when filming this scene.

If a person was hit with a bullet of such caliber, even if he is deceased, there would be some movement of the limb away from the direction of the shot.

During the autopsy scene, they remove the bug cocoon from the victim and insert it into a small jar with the bug antenna pointing to the bottom of the jar.

The next next shot shows Clarice pouring fluid into the jar with the antenna pointing up.

As Clarice is looking through the microfilm, the pen in her mouth switches places several times.

During Clarice's first visit to see Hannibal, she wore a skirt with belt on waist when she was in Dr.

Chilton's office and before entering the final corridor leading to Hannibal's cell.

The belt was gone when she was entering the corridor, however, entering a prison (especially the maximum security part), she would have probably had to remove her belt before entering particularly if it had a metal buckle.

Lecter correctly refers to the moth pupa as a "chrysalis".

Many moths, including the one in the film, pupate inside a chrysalis.

"Cocoon" simply refers to a type of silky case spun my many types of insects, not just moths.

An Acherontia styx pupa is found behind the soft palate of Bill's 6th victim, however, the actual species depicted is Acherontia atropos.

Clarice claims to have double-majored in criminology and psychology at the University of Virginia.

Criminology has never been a major offered at UVa.

A forensics expert's opinion of the autopsy sceneover 8 errors were made.

Among themthe body was fingerprinted without collecting evidence under the victims fingernails, and the ink would have destroyed the evidence.

You cannot get fingerprints off a body if it is in that condition.

Sgt Tate tells an officer to call in the SWAT team.

Memphis has no SWAT team, it has a related unit called the TACT team.

Jack Crawford says that Clarice graduated "magna" (magna cum laude) from UVA, but this is impossible because UVA does not award such a distinction to psychology majors When Hannibal is imprisoned in Memphis, the sign outside of the Shelby county courthouse is shown in dim light to be a museum.

When Clarice opens the music box, it plays and winds down.

As it winds down, the musical pitch lowers.

Actually, the pitch should stay the same - the music should just slow down.

In the cut to the scene outside the supposed Memphis Police headquarters, after Lecter has escaped by "stealing" the face of a police officer, an ambulance roars across the screen and stops.

The ambulance has Hamilton County tags.

Memphis is in Shelby County; Hamilton County is Chattanooga - 400 miles east.

The military aircraft heading toward Calument City has California Air Guard on the side.

Not very likely considering they were coming from Virginia.

As 'Jodie Foster' (qv) indicates on the commentary track of the Criterion DVD version of the film, there is a mistake in the most dramatic moment of the entire filmwhen Buffalo Bill cocks his gun and Clarice turns around and shoots him.

You can clearly see the shadow of Bill's hand holding the gun on Clarice's back as he raises it to shoot her.

However, the basement is supposed to be pitch black, so there shouldn't have been any shadows whatsoever.

Regarding the sweat stains on Clarice's sweatshirt from the course to Crawford's office.

The course she was running is located on a Marine Corps Base in Quantico, which is also home to the FBI Academy.

The course (Endurance Course) is about 5 miles long throughout the Quantico highlands, on the Marine part, not the FBI part.

At the Cargo net obstacle, she was nearly at the end of the course, about 2-3 miles from the FBI academy.

There is a road to the left on the screen, and nothing but miles of woods on her right, which is where the FBI agent came out and told her that Crawford wanted to speak to her.

Geographically, it would have been faster and more logical for her to finish the course, than run back toward where she just came from, which is about a 3-4 mile run back through the woods, to the FBI academy.

When Clarice visits the entomologists to identify the moth pupa, while examining the chrysalis they indicate that it must have been specially raised from imported eggs and fed "honey and nightshade".

Deaths head moth larva, like most caterpillars, eat only vegetation.

It is the adult moths that eat honey.

The moth landing on the red roll of string at Buffalo Bills house has a black string attached to its back.

This was probably not an issue during the low resolution days, but it's clearly visible in high definition.

When Clarice is shown in Belvedere, Ohio she on a bridge.

This would have been Steubenville, Ohio as Belvedere does not have a river.

When Clarice visits the self-storage shed (where she has to crawl under the door), the camera pans and we get a good (dark) look at the large unlighted interior.

Although there are no windows in self storage units (as a matter of security), we can clearly see windows with sunlight pouring through on the far wall of the storage space.

Jodie Foster has blue eyes.

When she is in the funeral home she goes back in her life and sees her father in the casket.

There is a little girl that is supposed to be her going to see her father in the casket.

The little girl has hazel eyes, not blue.

Jack Crawford gets Dr.

Chilton's name wrong when he describes who will be escorting Starling at the asylum.

He refers to him as "Dr.


" Starling's gloves magically disappear from her lap as she tries to get into the self storage facility.

The body Clarice discovers in the basement, presumably Mrs.

Lippman, is lit almost entirely by sunlight.

Moments later, Buffalo Bill kills the power and whole room turns pitch black.

The film refers to "iron sulfide, also known as 'fool's gold'.

" In reality, iron sulfide (or more specifically, iron (II) sulfide or FeS) is an unstable chemical compound that's often brown or black in appearance.

The fool's gold they refer to is commonly known as 'pyrite.

' While it is a type of iron sulfide, it's proper name is iron (II) disulfide (FeS2).

Even if Agent Starling and Dr.

Lector knew enough about chemistry to know of the chemical composition of "fool's gold," she would have known it as either pyrite or iron disulfide.

At the Memphis Airport, Lt.

Boyle introduces Sgt.

Pembry to Dr.

Lecter as "Sgt.


When Starling heads for the meeting with Senator Martin, the airport is described as "Memphis International Airport".

Upon entering the hangar, military A-7 aircraft are clearly visible, which indicates the scenes were filmed at a military airport.

When Clarice is in the pitch black basement, searching for Buffalo Bill, he points a gun at her head through his night vision goggles.

However, the gun makes a shadow on her back, which it wouldn't with no light.

During Lector's escape, the "swat" team arrives and jumps out of the police car at the courthouse with their Ithica 37 shotguns, they are shown chambering the rounds except the the officer on the right pulls back again on the fore stock and asks "ready?" this action should have ejected a shell and left the gun unloaded.

Crawford tells Clarice that Miggs died by swallowing his tongue.

Literally swallowing one's tongue is impossible, but an unconscious person's tongue may sag backwards and block his airway, suffocating him.

When this happens, it may be said that he swallowed his tongue.

- PLOTWe are told early on by Dr.

Chilton that Lecter is so dangerous that he can be given only soft paper items, no staples, paper clips or any metal items.

Yet, in Memphis he's allowed to have a tape player (playing one of Bach's Goldberg Variations), which contains numerous metal parts that Lecter could use as a weapon.

Box Office

30 June 2012 USA USD 130,742,922
29 September 1991 USA USD 130,643,286
22 September 1991 USA USD 130,549,109
15 September 1991 USA USD 130,433,755
8 September 1991 USA USD 130,280,726
2 September 1991 USA USD 130,157,016
25 August 1991 USA USD 129,953,413
18 August 1991 USA USD 129,749,489
11 August 1991 USA USD 129,412,237
4 August 1991 USA USD 129,004,559
28 July 1991 USA USD 128,510,017
21 July 1991 USA USD 127,911,450
14 July 1991 USA USD 127,310,949
7 July 1991 USA USD 126,748,453
30 June 1991 USA USD 125,890,892
23 June 1991 USA USD 124,925,088
16 June 1991 USA USD 123,688,627
9 June 1991 USA USD 122,474,498
2 June 1991 USA USD 121,185,746
27 May 1991 USA USD 119,828,381
19 May 1991 USA USD 117,814,717
12 May 1991 USA USD 115,093,023
5 May 1991 USA USD 112,193,973
28 April 1991 USA USD 108,662,853
21 April 1991 USA USD 104,928,786
14 April 1991 USA USD 100,088,453
7 April 1991 USA USD 94,425,327
31 March 1991 USA USD 87,119,351
24 March 1991 USA USD 78,258,485
17 March 1991 USA USD 68,885,835
10 March 1991 USA USD 58,125,470
3 March 1991 USA USD 45,514,175
24 February 1991 USA USD 30,895,958
18 February 1991 USA USD 15,179,676
USA USD 130,742,922
26 December 1991 UK GBP 17,200,019
19 December 1991 UK GBP 17,199,608
12 December 1991 UK GBP 17,198,924
5 December 1991 UK GBP 17,196,852
28 November 1991 UK GBP 17,193,628
21 November 1991 UK GBP 17,189,648
14 November 1991 UK GBP 17,185,473
7 November 1991 UK GBP 17,081,583
31 October 1991 UK GBP 17,172,087
24 October 1991 UK GBP 17,155,532
17 October 1991 UK GBP 17,137,496
10 October 1991 UK GBP 17,111,694
3 October 1991 UK GBP 17,081,583
26 September 1991 UK GBP 17,046,056
19 September 1991 UK GBP 17,013,833
12 September 1991 UK GBP 16,921,441
5 September 1991 UK GBP 16,815,483
29 August 1991 UK GBP 16,706,846
22 August 1991 UK GBP 16,466,402
15 August 1991 UK GBP 16,179,195
8 August 1991 UK GBP 15,808,612
1 August 1991 UK GBP 15,344,789
25 July 1991 UK GBP 14,811,598
18 July 1991 UK GBP 14,156,087
11 July 1991 UK GBP 13,263,149
4 July 1991 UK GBP 12,327,921
27 June 1991 UK GBP 10,771,304
20 June 1991 UK GBP 8,203,453
13 June 1991 UK GBP 4,641,075
6 June 1991 UK GBP 292,592
UK GBP 17,119,000
Worldwide USD 272,742,922
1991 Non-USA USD 142,000,000
22 July 1992 Argentina ARS 10,209,587
15 July 1992 Argentina ARS 10,206,249
8 July 1992 Argentina ARS 10,194,164
1 July 1992 Argentina ARS 10,179,331
24 June 1992 Argentina ARS 10,160,152
17 June 1992 Argentina ARS 10,132,582
10 June 1992 Argentina ARS 10,068,842
3 June 1992 Argentina ARS 9,983,488
27 May 1992 Argentina ARS 9,866,811
20 May 1992 Argentina ARS 9,695,881
13 May 1992 Argentina ARS 9,492,979
6 May 1992 Argentina ARS 9,219,893
29 April 1992 Argentina ARS 8,961,890
22 April 1992 Argentina ARS 8,604,093
15 April 1992 Argentina ARS 8,209,561
8 April 1992 Argentina ARS 7,859,467
1 April 1992 Argentina ARS 7,376,429
25 March 1992 Argentina ARS 7,118,235
18 March 1992 Argentina ARS 6,955,802
11 March 1992 Argentina ARS 6,801,380
23 October 1991 Argentina ARS 6,622,757
16 October 1991 Argentina ARS 6,604,935
9 October 1991 Argentina ARS 6,592,609
2 October 1991 Argentina ARS 6,580,020
26 September 1991 Argentina ARS 6,560,906
19 September 1991 Argentina ARS 6,535,842
12 September 1991 Argentina ARS 6,504,096
5 September 1991 Argentina ARS 6,464,840
29 August 1991 Argentina ARS 6,388,310
22 August 1991 Argentina ARS 6,305,985
15 August 1991 Argentina ARS 6,174,877
8 August 1991 Argentina ARS 5,996,961
1 August 1991 Argentina ARS 5,808,503
25 July 1991 Argentina ARS 5,550,769
18 July 1991 Argentina ARS 5,258,507
11 July 1991 Argentina ARS 4,918,430
4 July 1991 Argentina ARS 3,405,539
27 June 1991 Argentina ARS 2,330,504
20 June 1991 Argentina ARS 1,479,639
13 June 1991 Argentina ARS 688,839
Argentina USD 2,208,329
16 May 1991 Australia AUD 3,735,383
Australia USD 14,039,731
22 April 1992 Germany DEM 1,286,944
15 April 1992 Germany DEM 621,586
8 April 1992 Germany DEM 153,261
1992 Germany USD 775,570
11 July 1991 Germany DEM 20,785,878
4 July 1991 Germany DEM 20,329,170
20 June 1991 Germany DEM 18,324,462
13 June 1991 Germany DEM 16,943,077
6 June 1991 Germany DEM 15,563,505
30 May 1991 Germany DEM 14,434,344
23 May 1991 Germany DEM 19,336,151
23 May 1991 Germany DEM 12,992,323
16 May 1991 Germany DEM 11,138,033
9 May 1991 Germany DEM 9,089,825
2 May 1991 Germany DEM 6,932,021
25 April 1991 Germany DEM 4,504,072
18 April 1991 Germany DEM 2,026,540
1991 Germany USD 11,945,932
Singapore SGD 513,930
Sweden SEK 40,277,791
15 February 1991 USA USD 13,766,814 1,497
6 June 1991 UK GBP 292,592 1 screen
13 June 1991 Argentina ARS 688,839 4
16 May 1991 Australia AUD 3,735,383 85
8 April 1992 Germany DEM 153,261 150
18 April 1991 Germany DEM 2,026,540 205
6 October 1991 USA USD 57,285 66
29 September 1991 USA USD 55,467 108
22 September 1991 USA USD 73,381 123
15 September 1991 USA USD 87,831 123
9 September 1991 USA USD 92,765 121
2 September 1991 USA USD 116,143 130
25 August 1991 USA USD 105,523 124
18 August 1991 USA USD 174,580 166
11 August 1991 USA USD 189,457 200
4 August 1991 USA USD 280,745 254
28 July 1991 USA USD 295,908 276
21 July 1991 USA USD 313,280 334
14 July 1991 USA USD 363,055 400
7 July 1991 USA USD 496,158 460
30 June 1991 USA USD 538,161 579
23 June 1991 USA USD 722,362 672
16 June 1991 USA USD 726,501 803
9 June 1991 USA USD 735,303 835
2 June 1991 USA USD 1,039,120 987
27 May 1991 USA USD 1,292,143 883
19 May 1991 USA USD 1,871,178
12 May 1991 USA USD 1,964,271
5 May 1991 USA USD 2,540,581
28 April 1991 USA USD 2,590,546
21 April 1991 USA USD 3,476,287
14 April 1991 USA USD 4,146,846
7 April 1991 USA USD 4,760,714
31 March 1991 USA USD 5,780,994
24 March 1991 USA USD 6,687,991
17 March 1991 USA USD 7,656,361
10 March 1991 USA USD 8,893,306
3 March 1991 USA USD 10,616,383
24 February 1991 USA USD 11,947,765 1,515
18 February 1991 USA USD 13,766,814
26 December 1991 UK GBP 411 4
19 December 1991 UK GBP 684 7
12 December 1991 UK GBP 2,072 17
5 December 1991 UK GBP 3,224 18
28 November 1991 UK GBP 3,980 19
21 November 1991 UK GBP 4,175 18
14 November 1991 UK GBP 12,344 17
7 November 1991 UK GBP 13,386 22
31 October 1991 UK GBP 16,555 21
24 October 1991 UK GBP 18,036 25
17 October 1991 UK GBP 25,802 71
10 October 1991 UK GBP 30,111 30
3 October 1991 UK GBP 35,527 27
26 September 1991 UK GBP 32,223 42
19 September 1991 UK GBP 92,392 53
12 September 1991 UK GBP 105,958 71
5 September 1991 UK GBP 108,637 79
29 August 1991 UK GBP 240,444 114
22 August 1991 UK GBP 287,207 140
15 August 1991 UK GBP 370,583 137
8 August 1991 UK GBP 463,823 165
1 August 1991 UK GBP 533,191 184
25 July 1991 UK GBP 655,511 216
18 July 1991 UK GBP 892,938 292
11 July 1991 UK GBP 935,228 295
4 July 1991 UK GBP 1,556,617 291
27 June 1991 UK GBP 2,567,851 315
20 June 1991 UK GBP 3,562,378 304
13 June 1991 UK GBP 4,348,483 281
6 June 1991 UK GBP 292,592 1 screen
23 July 1992 Argentina ARS 3,338 1 screen
16 July 1992 Argentina ARS 12,085 2
9 July 1992 Argentina ARS 14,833 3
2 July 1992 Argentina ARS 19,179 4
25 June 1992 Argentina ARS 27,570 4
18 June 1992 Argentina ARS 63,740 11
11 June 1992 Argentina ARS 85,354 7
4 June 1992 Argentina ARS 116,677 9
27 May 1992 Argentina ARS 170,930 10
20 May 1992 Argentina ARS 202,902 11
14 May 1992 Argentina ARS 273,086 12
7 May 1992 Argentina ARS 258,003 12
29 April 1992 Argentina ARS 357,797 12
22 April 1992 Argentina ARS 394,532 7
15 April 1992 Argentina ARS 350,094 7
8 April 1992 Argentina ARS 156,280 7
1 April 1992 Argentina ARS 483,038 7
25 March 1992 Argentina ARS 162,433 7
18 March 1992 Argentina ARS 154,422 10
11 March 1992 Argentina ARS 178,623 8
23 October 1991 Argentina ARS 17,822 1 screen
16 October 1991 Argentina ARS 12,326 1 screen
9 October 1991 Argentina ARS 12,589 1 screen
2 October 1991 Argentina ARS 19,114 6
26 September 1991 Argentina ARS 25,064 7
19 September 1991 Argentina ARS 31,746 7
12 September 1991 Argentina ARS 39,256 6
5 September 1991 Argentina ARS 76,530 6
29 August 1991 Argentina ARS 82,325 8
22 August 1991 Argentina ARS 131,108 8
15 August 1991 Argentina ARS 177,916 10
8 August 1991 Argentina ARS 60,973 9
1 August 1991 Argentina ARS 257,734 8
25 July 1991 Argentina ARS 188,458 10
18 July 1991 Argentina ARS 340,077 8
11 July 1991 Argentina ARS 1,512,891 9
4 July 1991 Argentina ARS 1,075,035 9
27 June 1991 Argentina ARS 850,865 8
20 June 1991 Argentina ARS 790,800 7
13 June 1991 Argentina ARS 688,839 4
16 May 1991 Australia AUD 3,735,383 85
22 April 1992 Germany DEM 665,358 141
15 April 1992 Germany DEM 468,325 201
8 April 1992 Germany DEM 153,261 150
11 July 1991 Germany DEM 456,708 279
4 July 1991 Germany DEM 993,019 290
27 June 1991 Germany DEM 1,011,689 270
20 June 1991 Germany DEM 1,381,385 269
13 June 1991 Germany DEM 1,379,572 269
6 June 1991 Germany DEM 1,129,161 248
30 May 1991 Germany DEM 1,442,021 240
23 May 1991 Germany DEM 1,854,290 246
16 May 1991 Germany DEM 2,048,208 248
9 May 1991 Germany DEM 2,157,804 250
2 May 1991 Germany DEM 2,427,949 234
25 April 1991 Germany DEM 2,477,532 233
18 April 1991 Germany DEM 2,026,540 205


Anthony Hopkins gives the performance of his career in this suspenseful thriller as the cannibalistic Hannibal Lecter. It is, in a manner of speaking, Hopkins' film, a character study on his behalf.

(Note: this movie is not a 10. I rated the trilogy as a whole, whereas this individual movie is a 9 out of 10)!

What hasn't been said about this .. this surprise of a hit?

In this movie Anthony perfectly portrays the cold, calm demeanor of a serial killer/ psychopath. His first encounter with Judy the way he stands there in anticipation completely still with a chilling stare really adds to the story.

The greatest thing about lambs is that something new is discovered each time you view it. As with all psychological films, it takes multiple views to absorb the full plot and ingest the actual meaning behind the film.

I have heard raving reviews all my life about silence of the lambs. So I finally got around to watching it, and I loved it!

"The Silence of the Lambs" is a film that needs no introduction. After all, who isn't familiar with Hannibal Lecter, chosen by the AFI as the top movie villain of all time?

The whole movie is about an innocent female character that steps into the world of men and into the world of terror.This movie has the perfect amount of everything every movie needs but some don't have.

I've always heard of this movie growing up but i never got the chance to actually see it until today. i had absolutely no idea what it was about.
