When Worlds Collide
When Worlds Collide (1951)

When Worlds Collide

(72 votos)




The star Bellus is described in the film as a giant star, although by the size it is assigned, 12 times bigger than the Earth, it can hardly be considered such.

At the beginning of the film it is said that the Bellus-Zyra system has moved 1.

6 million kilometers in just two weeks.

Later, it's said the system will cover the 4,800 million kilometers to the Earth in less than one year.

At the speed implied by the first statement, the arrival to the Earth would take some 115 years.

In the rocket, when Dr.

Drake tries to convince Randall to go on the trip to Zyra, Eddie is referred to as Eddie Cummings.

Later, in Hendron's office, he is called Eddie Garson.

To make things more confusing, Eddie's girlfriend is Julie Cummings.

When Dr.

Drake and Dave Randall leave Hendron's office after Stanton shoots Ferris, the shadows of the actors can be seen crossing the backlighting outside the window.

When landing on the new world, the final shot of the space ship plowing through the snow shows an obvious string extending upward from the nose of the ship, that is being used to move the model.

Joyce is wearing only one earring when she and Randall are riding in the taxi.

When the main characters are gathered in Hendron's office awaiting the passing of Zyra, Joyce is seated in a chair.

As the earthquake starts, she rises and runs across the room to Dave Randall.

A short time later, in a shot from another angle, she's seated again then rises and runs to Randall a second time.

When the rocket takes off, we have been told that the g-force will be high enough to cause everyone to black out, as indeed they are shown to do.

But their postures show no sign of acceleration, nor are their faces distorted as even a few g will do.

While a planet making a close pass at Earth would effect the tides and cause disruption, the film presents it incorrectly.

The disruption would not occur at one moment.

There would be a build-up of disruption in the tides until the planet makes its closest pass, causing maximum damage.

The Argentinian delegate's placard at the UN says "Argentine" instead of "Argentina".

As the rocket approaches Zyra, David Randall tells the pilot to cut engines one and six, which he does.

But David's lips said "one and two," not "one and six.

" When Dr.

Hendron activates the ship's launching mechanism, Stanton tries to wheel himself to the ramp and says "No! Wait! Help!".

However, his lips do not match him saying "help".

The vehicles next to the ship at the final loading disappear just before take-off (even though the ramp gate was locked and there is no reason why they should have been moved).

The red handrails on the gangplank disappear when the men board the ship.

People are visible in the black and white photographs of supposedly deserted New York.

The reporter stated that some utility workers had volunteered to stay behind.

Even when a city is evacuated, there can always be a few stragglers.

When the male new arrivals enter their room, one poor guy, in the bottom right of the screen, opens his suit case on the top bunk.

We can clearly see the suit case is empty.

He then shuts the suit case and checks the firmness of the bunk.

When David Randall (Richard Derr) climbs from the helicopter to rescue a boy from a rooftop, it's obviously not Derr in the scene, but rather a stuntman who somewhat resembles him.

In the scene when Tony and Joyce are dancing together in the night club, in one shot they are dancing cheek to cheek, but in the next angle there is clearly space between their faces.

In two shots of the escape-shuttle nearing the new planet Zyra, the first shot shows an angled front-view of the ship entering the frame from the right, and the very next shot shows Zyra on the left and an angled from-the-rear-view of the ship approaching it from left-to-right, but the background stars are exactly the same (from the same viewing-angle) in both shots.

It is said that if the Bellus-Zyra system stays in the Solar System, retained by our Sun, the temperature on the surface of Zyra, where the human race begins a new existence, would suffer a harmful increase because of the presence of two suns.

However, Bellus does not stay in the Solar System; it is also destroyed when it collides with Earth.

Therefore, there will be no second sun in the Solar System and no increase in the temperature of Zyra.

When the spaceship lands on the new world it is all ice and snow.

When the spaceship opens, the landscape is all green.

In fact, the edge of snow cap is clearly seen outside the door to the ship, leading to the green areas just beyond.

Obviously the ship has landed at a place where the snow cap ends.

- PLOTThroughout the film, Bellus is referred to as a star; this is presumably how life is able to be sustained on Zyra.

However, if this was the case, Earth would have been destroyed from the heat long before Bellus collided with it, even if it was a small brown-dwarf star.


Most excellent story-telling of none other than the end of the world something for its time was as exciting as it is today. How will it come?

Very enjoyable to watch this adventure movie in 2020. One cannot call it sci-fi or anything else but a cute fantasy.

A strange new planet and its accompanying star are going to pass close to Earth and cause some serious problems. I mean, like, really serious ones.

The 1950's were a good time for sci-fi movies. They appeared in the dozens.

How can you even accept this as science fiction when there is no science. A star entering the solar system would be noticeable long before it passed the orbit of Pluto.

Won the oscar for best special effects! (Streetcar took most of the oscars that year.

There were some great science fiction movies coming out of the Fifties, "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951) and "Forbidden Planet" (1956) are ones that immediately come to mind. Contrary to what a host of reviewers on this board have to say, I don't think this was one of them.

As a new star and planet hurtle toward a doomed Earth, a small group of survivalists frantically work to complete the rocket which will take them to their new home.Alright, let us acknowledge that this is a bit silly.

Rudolph Mate directed this George Pal production about a rogue star named Bellus that is on an unalterable collision course with the Earth, dooming it to annihilation. In the meantime, some wealthy men, among them a wheelchair bound industrialist played by John Hoyt, finance a private expedition to build spaceships to carry a select group of people(who have various essential skills necessary in a new civilization) to a newly discovered planet called Zyra, where humanity can start over.
