Zeitgeist: Moving Forward
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward

(17 votos)




The first time that I watched this movie, I liked it, for the most part. When I returned to watch its predecessors, my opinion of the whole project diminished quite a bit.

This is overall a good documentary. It begins with a list of what is wrong with our society, and makes some good points.

The film which has changed my sights at all life "to" and "after". I urge all of you to watch this film, without putting off.

So, so sorry, I can't tell you if I agree with the premise of this movie or not. I couldn't, I just could not continue, so I don't know if telling you that if the movie is pathetic is a spoiler or not, maybe that was the point.

Peter Joseph's documentary, 'Zeitgeist: Moving Forward' cites a long list of social and economic problems and then in end proposes that the great solution to all these problems is more technological automation. In other words, rather than suggesting even a single socioeconomic reform, the filmmaker claims that the best way to solve all of our economic and social problems is by simply using technology to exponentially increase unemployment.

The future of humanity, its progress and prosperity lies in our willingness as individuals and as a collective to adopt the principles and ideas presented in this film. If you are interested in understanding why humanity is facing so many problems and interested in how we can solve them, then the best you can do for yourself is to watch this film.

This movie is full of errors, too many to describe in a simple review, ideas that destroyed a lot of countries, like URSS, Venezuela and many latin american countries. I live in Argentina, where many of the economic concepts of this film are part of the politics implemented by our governments, and I know very well how deep a country can fall because of these.

You cannot equate Keynes with Friedman... You just can't.

I really enjoyed the film upon first several viewings, and the previous films, even for purely entertainment value it kept my interest. Since then after further reading and understanding more on politics, human history, money, genetics etc.
