Adios Vaya Con Dios
Adios Vaya Con Dios (2014)

Adios Vaya Con Dios

(33 votos)




Adios vaya con dios gets into a tempo from the opening. It pieces together resembling a Spanish international art house film, with elongated musical mosaics, black and white instances, with two opening credit sequences.

I don't think we can demand a more creative script and film from the ingredients we see recycled in Hollywood every year. Writer and actor Zachary Laoutides teams up with Executive Producer Monica Esmeralda Leon using her tough neighborhood not only to setup the locations for the movie, but also integrating all walks of life from inside the neighborhoods metamorphosis-iring them into actors and actresses.

"Are you ready!" The young gangster Bones, played by Emmanuel Isaac, who lives and dies Olmec gang banger philosophies, yells to his Santa Muerte face painted crew before he puts the hit on Eloy Rosales, played by Albertho Garcia.

What I appreciated most about Adios Vaya Con Dios was the careful attention to the details with the ensemble of criminals in the film. The movie plays like an artistic documentary following Rory King, played by writer Zachary Laoutides in a typical week inside the Chicago neighborhoods.

If you think you're getting guns and action you're completely in for a surprise. I didn't expect a film carved out with such an artistic hint.

A gangster art house film. There I said it, never thought I would, never thought I would see a Chicago movie about gangs play out as an artistic piece reminiscent at times of Alejandro González Iñárritu's early work Amores Perros.

We trail lead nominated actor and writer Zachary Laoutides, Rory King, over his journey to bounce town only to have his friend Eloy get released from prison, flinging his strategies of getaway to the wind. Zachary Laoutides gives a nearly silent performance at times we see his distress walking through the dangerous streets concluded by his despondent face.

With an over-saturation of Independent films, and 'no' I'm not including the low budget B- Movies that pop out for genre fair, do yourself a favor and check out Adios Vaya Con Dios. Don't be deceived by the premise that reflects a gangster movie.
